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Title: Noti Memorabbli S1 - 13 programmes
Other Titles: Prog 1 : Nesploraw l-istorjografija tal-muzika
Prog 2 : Id-diski Maltin
Prog 3 : Ġejja l-banda
Prog 4 : Ħsejjes minn Bormla
Prog 5 : Ngħidu band jew banda?
Prog 6 : Bejn George Martin u Mikielanġ Vella
Prog 7 : Il-Ħoss tal-Għabex fil-Ħlewwa ta' Mejju
Prog 8 : 90 Sena mill-Mewt ta' Ġużeppi Caruana
Prog 9 : Iż-Żaqq Maltija u Ħsejjes Awtentiċi Brikkuni
Prog 10 : Il-Ħrafa ta' Lanċa Ġejja w Oħra Sejra
Prog 11 : Storjografija tan-Nisa Maltin fl-Ispettaklu u Kura ta’ Skald
Prog 12 : Sonny Monte u Jon Lukas Woodenman
Prog 13 : Bżonn ta' aktar esplorazzjoni storjografika
Authors: Sant, Toni
Keywords: Music -- Malta -- History
Folk music -- Malta
Bands (Music) -- Malta
Monte, Sonny
Żaqq (Musical instrument)
Issue Date: 2021-04
Publisher: Campus FM
Citation: Sant, T. (Producer & Presenter). (2021). Noti Memorabbli S1 [Radio series]. Malta: Campus FM
Abstract: A historical look at a particular music genre in Malta. Interviews and interventions from researchers on the subject and the historical aspect of Maltese music. Produced and presented by Dr Toni Sant.
Appears in Collections:Noti Memorabbli

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NOTI_MEMORABBLI_S1_EP01.mp3radio programme81.46 MBUnknownView/Open
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