Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Isolation and characterization of mycorrhizae and mycorrhiza-like associations from soil of the Maltese Islands | Iannaccone, Marco (2020) |
2020 | Aspects of ecology of cladocora caespitosa | Abela, Hannah (2020) |
2020 | Development of matrices for 3D spheroid culture and assessment of their metabolic activity | Zammit, Sarah (2020) |
2020 | A comparison of the biology and ecology of Euphorbia dendroides and Euphorbia melitensis | Pace, Gabriel (2020) |
2020 | Intraspecific morphological variability in less common species of the family Rajidae | Spiteri, Emma Jayne (2020) |
2020 | Extraction of high value compounds from fish waste | Cutajar, Neil (2020) |
2020 | Assessing potential recovery of shore biotic assemblages following cessation of raw sewage input | Scerri, Vanessa-Ann (2020) |
2020 | The influence of rock pool morphometry on floral species diversity | Puglisevich, Erika (2020) |
2020 | Characterisation of discards generated by Maltese bottom otter trawl fishing vessels | Pace, Matthew (2020) |
2020 | Aspects of the ecology of Elatine Gussonei (Sommier) Brullo & al. | Nuccio, Stella (2020) |
2020 | Distribution and population size structures of the megabenthic cnidarians Isidella elongata and Funiculina quadrangularis in Maltese waters | Mifsud, Luke (2020) |
2020 | Bioerosion rates on shore and shallow water rocky bottoms along Maltese coasts | Grima, Alistair (2020) |
2020 | The Brachidontes pharaonis mussel bed in Birżebbuġa, nine years on | Marmara', Ema (2020) |
2020 | The environmental impact assessment process as applied in Malta to major coastal engineering works : an evaluation | Ghita, Loriana (2020) |
2020 | Dietary preferences of selected shallow-water herbivores | Farrugia, Dylan (2020) |
2020 | Preparation of collagen scaffolds from different skin sources for fibroblast seeding | Delia, Gianni (2020) |
2020 | Deep-water fish distribution and habitat association in the Maltese FMZ | Clark, Yasmin (2020) |
2020 | Preliminary studies on Colaphellus palaestinus Achard in the Maltese islands | Camilleri, Luke (2020) |
2020 | Effectiveness of drone imagery in mapping shallow-water benthic assemblages | Bellia, Andrea Francesca (2020) |
2020 | Effect of multiple treatment regimes of cytotoxic extracts and drugs on tumour cell spheroids | Ciantar, Martina (2020) |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 27