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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021The use of blockchain technologies to issue and verify micro-credentials for customised educational journeys : presentation of a demonstratorPfeiffer, Alexander; Bezzina, Stephen; Wernbacher, Thomas; Vella, Vince; Dingli, Alexiei; Denk, Natalie
2021Adaptive learning and assessment : from the teachers' perspectivePfeiffer, Alexander; Bezzina, Stephen; Dingli, Alexiei; Wernbacher, Thomas; Denk, Natalie; Fleischhacker, Michael
2021AI-enabled gamification for learning and assessmentBezzina, Stephen; Pfeiffer, Alexander; Dingli, Alexiei
2021Blockchain technologies in the educational sector. Results of the initial data collectionPfeiffer, Alexander; Bezzina, Stephen; Vella, Vince; Dingli, Alexiei
2021What role can blockchain-based digital identities play to counteract (cyber)crime in relation to assessment results and credentials in the educational sector? A glimpse into the futurePfeiffer, Alexander; Bezzina, Stephen; Kriglstein, Simone; Wernbacher, Thomas; Dingli, Alexiei; Vella, Vince
2020Blockchain technologies in the educational sector : a reflection on the topic in the middle of the Covid-19 situationPfeiffer, Alexander; Thomas, André; Wernbacher, Thomas; Black, Michael; Muniz, Nick; Donelan, Lloyd; Lenzen, Brenton; Dingli, Alexiei; Vella, Vince; Bezzina, Stephen; Pirker-Ihl, Manuel
2020The use of blockchain-supported reward systems for knowledge transfer between generationsPfeiffer, Alexander; Bezzina, Stephen; Wernbacher, Thomas; Vella, Vince; Dingli, Alexiei; Serada, Alesja