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Title: Survey activity for the volcanic vulnerability assessment in the Vesuvian area : the ‘quick’ methodology and the survey form
Authors: Mazzolani, Federico M.
Faggiano, B.
Formisano, Antonio
De Gregorio, D.
Zuccaro, G.
Indirli, Maurizio
Borg, Ruben Paul
Keywords: Buildings -- Earthquake effects
Earthquake engineering
Earthquake resistant design
Structural analysis (Engineering)
Geological surveys
Volcanological research
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Citation: Mazzolani, F. M., Faggiano, B., Formisano, A., De Gregorio, D., Zuccaro, G., Indirli, M., & Borg, R. P. (2010). Survey activity for the volcanic vulnerability assessment in the Vesuvian area : the ‘quick’ methodology and the survey form. International Conference COST Action C26 Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events, Naples. 693-698.
Abstract: The Vesuvius Case Study was developed in the framework of the topics foreseen in the activities of Working Group 4 (‘Risk Assessment for Catastrophic Scenarios in Urban Areas’) of the EU COST Action C26 (‘Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events’). An important activity has been the in situ survey for the volcanic vulnerability assessment on different construction typologies, such as residential and historical buildings, school buildings and monumental villas, located in some selected areas exposed to volcanic hazard. During this activity, the buildings identification has been performed through a visual investigation, supported by an ad hoc form, related to the building vulnerability to seismic and volcanic actions. The survey form and the corresponding ‘quick’ methodology for the volcanic vulnerability assessment are presented in this paper.
ISBN: 9780415606851
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacBenCPM

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