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Title: A qualitative exploration of the mental wellbeing of Maltese LGBTQ+ university students and acceptance within family, peers, and social circles
Authors: Sammut, Enya
Vella Fondacaro, Daniel
Camilleri, Nigel
Keywords: Sexual minority college students -- Malta
Sexual minority youth -- Malta
Sexual minorities -- Mental health
Anxiety in youth -- Malta
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: University of Malta. Centre for Resilience & Socio-Emotional Health
Citation: Sammut, E., Vella Fondacaro, D., & Camilleri, N. (2021). A qualitative exploration of the mental wellbeing of Maltese LGBTQ+ university students and acceptance within family, peers, and social circles. International Journal of Emotional Education, 13(2), 79-94.
Abstract: Mental health issues have been shown to be more common in LGBTQ+ youths when compared to heterosexual cisgender youths. This study aimed to understand the process of disclosure of sexuality and gender identity in Maltese LGBTQ+ university students and explored dynamics within the individual’s family and social circles during this process. Furthermore, it aimed to elucidate insight into the views of the LGBTQ+ community on the social perception of sexualities and gender identities. 17 individuals from a University of Malta LGBTQ+ association were interviewed. The key finding from this study showed that the period of disclosure was frequently associated with anxiety or depression and that family acceptance may act as a protective factor which reduces anxiety and depression. Furthermore, transgender individuals appear to face more discrimination than gay people. This study concluded that more public awareness is needed to decrease LGBTQ+ stigma. Members within the LGBTQ+ community require more specialised support and counselling services. Further studies need to be carried out to analyse the importance of healthy family dynamics from an earlier age.
Appears in Collections:IJEE, Volume 13 Issue 2
IJEE, Volume 13 Issue 2

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