Dissertations - FacHScRad - 2021 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Investigating radiographers’ socio-demographics in relation to the detection rate of incidental adrenal nodules seen on Computed Tomography (CT) scansCamilleri, Sarah (2021)
2021Evaluating clinical criteria in patients being referred for a pre-operative chest X-ray in a state general hospital in MaltaVella, Faith (2021)
2021Perception of radiographers’ awareness and management of occupational biological hazardsSciberras, Christopher (2021)
2021Evaluating the use of higher kVp and copper filtration as a dose optimisation tool in digital planar radiographyMifsud, Katrina (2021)
2021Radiographers’ use and opinion of gonad contact shielding in digital projection radiographyMartins Dias Cardoso, Carlos Eduardo (2021)
2021Evaluating the effect of music on anxiety during mammography breast cancer screeningEllul, Sara (2021)
2021An evaluation of the effect of an educational virtual environment radiotherapy training presentation on anxiety levels of breast cancer patients about to undergo radiotherapyDarmanin, Thomas (2021)
2021Maltese public perceptions about ionising radiation as part of medical imaging examinationsBorg Giardina, Phyllisianne (2021)
2021Evaluating magnetic resonance brain images performed with 1.5T and 3T scanners, in a state general hospital in MaltaBorg, Leanne (2021)
2021An evaluation for the need for ultrasound scanning to assess bladder filling prior to radiotherapy to the prostate based on clinical data and radiographers' perceptionBorg, Diana (2021)
2021Radiographers’ perception on the provision of psychosocial support for cancer patientsAzzopardi, Jade (2021)
2021Evaluation of the use of anti-scatter grids in adult knee radiographyAbela, Nicola (2021)
2021Establishing the optimal time frame for the measurement of endometrial thickness by transvaginal ultrasound in women after 1st trimester miscarriageAttard, Olha (2021)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13

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