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Abstract: In complex distributed systems, communicating participants agree on a protocol to follow, by specifying the type and direction of data exchanged. Session types are an elegant type formalism used to model structured communication-based programming. They guarantee

Deadlock analysis of concurrent programs that contain coordination primitives (wait, notify and notifyAll) is notoriously challenging. Not only these primitives affect the scheduling of processes, but also notifications unmatched by

Continuous Integration (CI) is a widely used software development methodology advocating for the immediate integration of changes to code builds. One solution to the development bottlenecks resulting from frequent builds

Pomsets are a model of concurrent computations introduced by Pratt. We adopt pomsets as a syntax-oblivious specification model of distributed systems where coordination happens via asynchronous message-passing. In this paper,

Organisations require that their business processes reflect their evolving practices by maintaining compliance with their policies, strategies and regulations. Designing workflows which satisfy these requirements is complex and error prone.

Choreographies specify multiparty interactions via message passing. A \emph{realization} of a choreography is a composition of independent processes that behave as specified by the choreography. Existing relations of correctness/completeness between

We propose Klaim as a suitable base for a novel choreographic framework. More precisely we advocate Klaim as a suitable language onto which to project data-driven global specifications based on distributed tuple