The MOST Project
Meaningful Open Schooling Connects Schools To Communities

23 partners from 10 European countries form the MOST consortium

The MOST chosen themes are waste management and energy saving

MOST is open to schools, individuals, companies and associations

Overflowing trashcans in city centres, community masks on the curb and trash in the ocean. But how can we tackle these issues?
This EU‐funded project establishes partnerships between schools and their communities (families, science education providers, citizens, businesses, etc.) to work jointly on environmental School‐Community Projects (SCPs).
The MOST Project intends to open up school education by initiating School-Community Projects (SCPs) across Europe. Within a School-Community Project, schools and community members (families, science education providers, citizens, businesses etc.) work together to find regionally feasible and scientific approaches to solutions on the topics waste management (2021) and energy saving (2022). To implement this project, our dedicated consortium of 23 educational and environmental expert teams from 10 European countries have come together, including higher education institutions, schools, ministries, municipalities, enterprises, non-formal education providers. All participants and supporters of the MOST project form the European Open Schooling Network (EOSnet), which will be enlarged step-by-step all over Europe into a vibrant Open Schooling Community Network. In Malta, MOST Project partners are the University of Malta and WasteServ Malta Ltd. You can download the manual to plan and perform SCP below.
Aim of the School‐Community Projects
The aim of these projects is for students and citizens to work together scientifically on the topics waste management (2021) and energy saving (2022) to develop regionally feasible solution approaches. The acquired knowledge will then be purveyed to third parties. The spreading of results can be accomplished via short video clips, pictures, posters, flyers, newspaper articles and many more.

Featured School-Community Projects

SCP1 Name (School)

SCP2 Name (School)
Are you interested in joining us?
Let’s work together on an environmental School‐Community Project to develop feasible and sustainable solutions.

The creation of these resources has been co-funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union under grant no. 871155. The European Union/EC is not responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.