
When, where and how are we active?


In all 10 countries of the consortium (Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Turkey), regional School-Community Projects (SCPs) are initiated within communities; with schools acting as the main hubs.


At the regional/national level in our partner countries, all Open Schooling communities from one region are interlaced. This is achieved through regional MOST Fairs, where experiences and examples of successful “Open Schooling” are shared and discussed.


MOST ‘creates the bigger picture’ by establishing an European Open Schooling Network (EOSnet) at the European level. A final MOST Conference connects all SCPs across Europe to a vibrant science-learning network open for further countries and communities.

MOST Fairs

MOST fairs are connecting participating schools of a region, their School-Community Project (SCP) partners and further community members as well as stakeholders from business and policy in order to intensify exchange and cooperation at the regional level. Schools will have the chance to present experiences and project results. In an award ceremony, the school with the best SCP will receive an award for their efforts.  Students will realize the meaningful impact their efforts and actions can have on their region and society in general. Schools will also be able to extend their cooperation with other institutions, organisations and interested community members in order to build significant and lasting partnerships.

MOST Conference

The MOST conference will connect School-Community Projects (SCPs) and their partners on an European level, augmenting the projects results and achievements on the international stage. Best practices, SCP award winners and experiences will be presented, policy makers and other high-level stakeholders invited to connect all levels of Open Schooling – students and teachers, higher education providers such as universities, citizens, companies and policy makers. This will function as a unique opportunity to foster expertise and to engage in networking and the sharing of research findings from the SCPs to efficiently promote Open Schooling all around Europe.