SCP leader: Mr Daniel Shrewsbury
Participating school: Verdala International School, Pembroke
Students’ Age: 10 – 17 years
Project time frame: Project Year 1
- Research question: What was the research question? What are the underlying regional problems?
- What are our main areas of strength re environmental issues?
- What are the main areas of development that we need to focus our actions?
The aim of the project was to provide concrete data about the level of sustainability in the school community (including households) to inform any action targeted at promoting sustainable actions.
- Approach: How did you proceed?
Students, staff and parents designed a detailed survey aimed at exploring behaviours and opinions about sustainability. The survey focused on the following areas: Transport; Travel; Recycling and waste; Eating Habits and Food; Shopping; and Home Behaviours. The survey was sent to all the students (and their respective families).
- Solution: What are your findings?
The school received 148 responses. The results obtained were analysed and the main strengths and the main areas for development were identified and communicated to the rest of the school.
- Recommendation: What solutions have you developed for the regional problem(s)?
The data will help the Eco-Schools Committee make informed decisions when compiling the Action Plan which will chart a strategy to promote more sustainable lifestyles and choices in the school community.
- Dissemination: How did you promote your recommendations?
The results of the survey were and will continue to be shared with students, staff and parents via the school website, social media and presentations.