
MyWAVE is structured in three Working Groups (WGs), corresponding to the objectives of the Action.

WG1: Advancing knowledge of dielectric and thermal properties, will focus on fundamental dielectric and thermal research of biological tissues, with two main Focus Areas (FAs): (i) creating new standards for dielectric and thermal measurement and their reporting, with a unique emphasis on the meta-data required to reliably interpret and validate dielectric measurements, merge, and compare datasets, and (ii) developing and populating a dielectric and thermal database, accessible by all stakeholders in this field, supported by accurate measurements of relevant tissues.

WG2: Better thermal-based EM therapeutics, will consist of three FAs: (i) optimising the technology for existing thermal-based EM applications and developing ideas for novel clinical applications, (ii) improving TP protocols and (iii) Quality Assurance (QA) of existing thermal-based EM technologies.

WG3: Commercialisation pathways for medical devices, will support the commercial translation of EM therapeutic technologies through two FAs: (i) provide and support training on clinical need assessment, market analysis, IP evaluation, paths to market and (ii) create novel guidelines for successful translation of EM medical devices, to streamline the commercialisation process for engineers working on medical device development.

WG1 needs input from WG3 and WG2 to define the scope and direction of their dielectric and thermal properties research, along with input from the data generators (members of MyWAVE) and data users (WG2) to define data capture standards and workflows to accelerate data access. Similarly, WG2 needs the standards developed by WG1 to develop, optimise, and refine EM therapeutic devices. The EM medical device industry has very clearly articulated the need for trans-disciplinary researchers, with strong dielectric spectroscopy experience, but also with an understanding for the challenges and constraints of bringing a medical device to market (provided by WG3). Importantly, all industry partners have agreed to host MyWAVE members on STSMs, highlighting their commitment to achieve MyWAVE goals.