Short Term Missions

Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) facilitates researchers from COST countries participating in MyWAVE CA17115 to go to an institution, organisation or research centre in another participating COST country to foster collaboration.

Participation of “Early Career Investigators” (ECI) in STSM is particularly encouraged. The ECI is an individual who is within a time span of up to 8 years from the date they obtained their PhD/doctorate (full-time equivalent). PhD students are also eligible to participate in STSMs.

Up to May 2020, twenty STSMs were funded within MyWAVE. 53% of these missions were on topics related to dielectric and thermal properties of biological tissues (WG1); 33% related to development and optimization of EM hyperthermic technologies (WG2) and 14% related to commercialisation opportunities (WG3).

List of STSMs