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Title: The dignity of work and the problems faced by the handicapped during employment
Authors: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Handikappati
Ghaqda ghall-Genituri ta' Tfal Handikappati
Department of Health. Health Education Unit
Authors: Azzopardi, Catherine
Keywords: People with disabilities -- Employment -- Malta
Discrimination against people with disabilities
Discrimination in employment
Dignity -- Social aspects
Issue Date: 1989
Publisher: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Handikappati
Citation: Azzopardi, C. (1989). The dignity of work and the problems faced by the handicapped during employment. Lejn il-futur: prinċipji u policies għall-persuni ħandikappati u l-familji tagħhom - Proceedings of a National Seminar, University of Malta (pp. 93-97). Malta: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Handikappati.
Abstract: After a discussion which was held at the Rehabilitation Centre for the Physically Handicapped amongst eight employed members, we found out that there are certain points which merit being broached during this Seminar. These individuals are employed as follows: three as unskilled labourers, one as a skilled labourer and four doing clerical work. Their standard of education varies from Special and Primary education level to Secondary education in normal schools. Ages vary from twenty three to forty-six years, while their disabilities differ. Both sexes are represented. When a disabled person finishes school like any other person, he starts seeking a job in order to reap the fruits of his studies and trainings. He also begins to yearn for the need to be financially independent. But work must be dignified. First of all we believe that handicapped persons should have the same access to job opportunities like other people. This means that handicapped persons should not be offered only work which is discarded by others; or that when they are offered work - any kind of work - this should consist of some particular part of a job which is tedious in nature while the rest of the job is done by others. This amounts to shabby treatment and in no way does it satisfy the concept of dignified work.
Appears in Collections:Lejn il-futur : prinċipji u policies għall-persuni ħandikappati u l-familji tagħhom

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