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Title: Discussion on the topics of audience, education and national funding system that influence the development of contemporary dance in Italy
Authors: Paulis, Maria Paola (2022)
Keywords: Modern dance -- Italy
Modern dance -- Study and teaching -- Italy
Dance -- Finance
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Paulis, M.P. (2022). Discussion on the topics of audience, education and national funding system that influence the development of contemporary dance in Italy (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: This dissertation examines the development of contemporary dance within Italy. For the purpose of this study, with “contemporary dance” is intended all those dance works and practices that explore a non-traditional movement vocabulary through experimentation, with the aim to widen movement boundaries between different dance styles (Kwan, 2017). It defers from modern dance as this one presents a more defined movement vocabulary, through dance techniques like Graham, Humphrey, Horton, Cunningham etc. (Kwan, 2017). The aim of this research is to present and discuss the issues regarding the involvement of the audience in contemporary dance practices and performances, the contemporary dance education and the Italian funding system for the performing arts, that might be slowing down the development of this art form within the country. It is important to clarify that contemporary dance struggles in stabilising itself within the performing arts system as a recognised art form not only in Italy, but in many countries around Europe. Nevertheless, this study wants to focus primarily on the Italian situation, as it was not found any other study that addressed the topic discussing the above-mentioned matters. Moreover, the word “slow “is used throughout the study in regards to the development of contemporary dance in Italy but there is no official study assuring that contemporary dance is truly seeing a slow development within the country. The choice of the word “slow” comes solely from a personal perception on the pace of development of contemporary dance in Italy. Based on this perception, this study will try to investigate if contemporary dance in Italy is truly developing at a slow pace by employing a qualitative method.
Description: B. Dance St.(Hons)(Melit.)
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - SchPA - 2022
Dissertations - SchPADDS - 2022

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