Fidelis et Verax : Essays in honour of His Grace Mgr Charles J. Scicluna on the tenth anniversary of his episcopal ordination Collection home page Statistics

It is so fitting that the Faculty of Theology within the University of Malta is publishing this celebratory volume containing interesting articles by diverse contributors on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Episcopal Ordination of Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna. The articles are organized in six sections according to their subject matter; the first section concerns the Archbishop directly, and the following sections discuss themes that are intimately connected to his ministry: the word of truth, a journey along the centuries, the value of the human person, the episcopal ministry and, finally, the way the Church should be faithful and true – fidelis et verax – which is the motto he had chosen as bishop. The contributions are well suited for this publication in honour of Archbishop Scicluna, since they are the fruit of wisdom and research. (Extract from the Foreword to this book)

Edited by

Stefan M. Attard

John A. Berry

Published and produced in 2022 by Kite Group

ISBN: 978-9918-23-076-1

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author and the publisher.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 32
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Fidelis et Verax : Essays in honour of His Grace Mgr Charles J. Scicluna on the tenth anniversary of his episcopal ordinationAttard, Stefan M.; Berry, John Anthony
2022ForewordGalea Curmi, Joseph
2022Servitor et praefectusVella, George
2022Nomen antistitis : CarolusMifsud Bonnici, Ugo
2022Archbishop Scicluna as I know himBorg, Tonio
2022A legacy of gentlenessBerry, John Anthony
2022‘For even I’ : the centurion’s statement of faith as a declaration of truth and faithfulnessSciberras, Paul
2022The puzzling plea ‘Lead us not into Temptation’ in the Lord’s PrayerAttard, Stefan M.
2022Future promises to the victor in the Book of RevelationMicallef, Martin
2022Fidelity to the truth of Christ : a reflection on Christian martyrdomWhitmore, Philip
2022So near and not so far : the Minaret and the SpireAbela, Toni
2022Fidelity and truth : catholic engagement in interreligious dialogueEllul, Joseph
2022Nicholas Bonet : an inspirational Bishop of MaltaBonello, Giovanni
2022An evaluation of the episcopate of Bishop Carmelo Scicluna through his pastoral letters (1875-1888)Doublet, Nicholas Joseph
2022Persons as psychophysical agents and communicatorsFriggieri, Joe
2022Do we need bioethics?Zammit, Raymond
2022Human genome editing : ethical and regulatory landscape in EuropeAgius, Emmanuel
2022The face of the truth : both word and silenceSultana, Mark
2022Logical, psychological, metaphysical dimensions and layers of the truth : their impact on court casesWulf, Claudia Mariéle
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 32