Dissertations - FacArt - 2016 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 153
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Examining the route to the Maltese presidency through a gender lensMuscat, Stephanie (2016); Pace, Simone (2016)
2016La imagen de la mujer de posguerra a través de las obras de Carmen Martín Gaite : ‘Entre visillos’, ‘Retahílas’ y ‘El cuarto de atrás’Schembri, Olyana (2016)
2016Los neologismos provenientes del inglés en el español actual en el campo tecnológico y deportivoLia, Felix Jan (2016)
2016Análisis lingüístico de los discursos electorales en el ámbito políticoDalli, Charmaine (2016)
2016Realidad y fantasía en dos novelas de Ana María Matute : ‘Primera memoria’ (1960) y ‘Paraíso inhabitado’ (2008)Chircop, Anna Maria (2016)
2016La España rural de los años cuarenta y sesenta a través de dos novelas de Miguel Delibes : ‘El camino’ (1950) y ‘Los santos inocentes’ (1981)Borg, Celine Marie (2016)
2016La mujer en la documentación de la inquisición española con especial referencia a la brujeríaCamilleri, Cassandra (2016)
2016La rappresentazione dell'emigrazione nel cinema italianoGrech, Louisanne (2016)
2016The visual culture of death in Malta : 1675-1814 art and the rituals of death in an age in which plague was a feared realityAttard, Christian (2016)
2016‘Autoréférence infinie’ : individual, community and history in Miquel Barceló’s worksBiolchini, Irene (2016)
2016The reader as detective : a Text World Theory analysis of the classical whodunitCossai, Daniel
2016Traduzzjoni u analizi ta' xi kapitli mill-ktieb ta' Camilo José Cela, “la familia de Pascual Duarte”Briffa, Yesenia
2016‘Gzira Slimiza f’nofs ocean hamalli’: Malta’s bilingual culture. translation and analysis of segments from Alex Vella Gera’s Is-sriep regghu saru velenuziBonnici, Glynnies
2016Translation and adaptation in extracts from Il Haya u il Vinturi ta’ Robinson Krusoe by Daniel Defoe translated by Richard TaylorMifsud, Jeanelle
2016The historical influence of translation : with a focus on the House of Wisdom & the Toledo school of translatorsGatt, Dermon
2016An analysis of English and American translations of Manzoni’s ‘I promessi sposi’Perrone, Valentina
2016Is-siwi tal-back-translation b’analizi ta’ siltiet mit-traduzzjoni tat-trilogija Hekk Thabbat il-Qalb MaltijaVella, Doriana
2016The deadly gold standard of honour : an insight into the change of the culture of gold in Maltese societyZammit, Mattija
2016Birgu and the consumption of historyCaruana, Corinne
2016Working from the heart : a study of Filipino care workers in MaltaMifsud, Sarah
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 153

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