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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 287
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Low power consumption superconducting solenoids for the PSI High-Intensity Muon Beams project - a design studySanfilippo, Stephane; Calzolaio, Ciro; Farrugia, Roman; Gabard, Alexander; Kiselev, Daniela; Knecht, Andreas; Reggiani, Davide; Riccioli, Rebecca; Sammut, Andrew; Sammut, Nicholas; Talanov, Vadim
2023Implementation of an all-digital electrostatic micro-mirror controllerPortelli, Barnaby; Grech, Ivan; Micallef, Joseph; Farrugia, Russell; Casha, Owen; Gatt, Edward
2023Mechanical contact type RF-MEMs switches for microwave band applicationsBengashier, Munira; Grech, Ivan; Casha, Owen; Portelli, Barnaby; Farrugia, Russell
2018Ultra low frequency low power CMOS oscillators for MPPT and switch mode power suppliesGalea, Francarl; Casha, Owen; Grech, Ivan; Gatt, Edward; Micallef, Joseph
2023Costas loop for BPSK carrier phase synchronisation implemented on an SDR hardware platformD’Amato, Ryan; Casha, Owen; Grech, Ivan
2024Adaptation of the LoRa transmission protocol for a low-power low-cost indoor air quality monitoring systemCasha, Owen; Meli, Matthew; Gatt, Edward; Grech, Ivan; Micallef, Joseph
2024-09Interim report for the International Muon Collider Collaboration (IMCC)Accettura, C.; Adrian, S.; Agarwal, R.; Ahdida, C.; Aimé, C.; Aksoy, A.; Alberghi, G. L.; Alden, S.; Amapane, N.; Amorim, D.; Andreetto, P.; Anulli, F.; Appleby, R.; Apresyan, A.; Asadi, P.; Attia Mahmoud, M.; Auchmann, B.; Back, J.; Badea, A.; Bae, K. J.; Bahng, E. J.; Balconi, L.; Balli, F.; Bandiera, L.; Barbagallo, C.; Barlow, R.; Bartoli, C.; Bartosik, N.; Barzi, E.; Batsch, F.; Bauce, M.; Begel, M.; Berg, J. S.; Bersani, A.; Bertarelli, A.; Bertinelli, F.; Bertolin, A.; Bhat, P.; Bianchi, C.; Bianco, M.; Bishop, W.; Black, K.; Boattini, F.; Bogacz, A.; Bonesini, M.; Bordini, B.; Borges de Sousa, P.; Bottaro, S.; Bottura, L.; Boyd, S.; Breschi, M.; Broggi, F.; Brunoldi, M.; Buffat, X.; Buonincontri, L.; Burrows, P. N.; Burt, G. C.; Buttazzo, D.; Caiffi, B.; Calatroni, S.; Calviani, M.; Calzaferri, S.; Calzolari, D.; Cantone, C.; Capdevilla, R.; Carli, C.; Carrelli, C.; Casaburo, F.; Casarsa, M.; Castelli, L.; Catanesi, M. G.; Cavallucci, L.; Cavoto, G.; Celiberto, F. G.; Celona, L.; Cemmi, A.; Ceravolo, S.; Cerri, A.; Cerutti, F.; Cesarini, G.; Cesarotti, C.; Chancé, A.; Charitonidis, N.; Chiesa, M.; Chiggiato, P.; Ciccarella, V. L.; Cioli Puviani, P.; Colaleo, A.; Colao, F.; Collamati, F.; Costa, M.; Craig, N.; Curtin, D.; D’Angelo, L.; Da Molin, G.; Damerau, H.; Dasu, S.; de Blas, J.; De Curtis, S.; De Gersem, H.; Del Moro, T.; Delahaye, J.-P.; Denisov, D.; Denizli, H.; Dermisek, R.; Desiré Valdor, P.; Desponds, C.; Di Luzio, L.; Di Meco, E.; Di Petrillo, K. F.; Di Sarcina, I.; Diociaiuti, E.; Dorigo, T.; Dreimanis, K.; du Pree, T.; Edgecock, T.; Fabbri, S.; Fabbrichesi, M.; Farinon, S.; Ferrand, G.; Ferreira Somoza, J. A.; Fieg, M.; Filthaut, F.; Fox, P.; Franceschini, R.; Franqueira Ximenes, R.; Gallinaro, M.; Garcia-Sciveres, M.; Garcia-Tabares, L.; Gargiulo, R.; Garion, C.; Garzelli, M. V.; Gast, M.; Gerber, C. E.; Giambastiani, L.; Gianelle, A.; Gianfelice-Wendt, E.; Gibson, S.; Gilardoni, S.; Giove, D. A.; Giovinco, V.; Giraldin, C.; Glioti, A.; Gorzawski, A.; Greco, M.; Grojean, C.; Grudiev, A.; Gschwendtner, E.; Gueli, E.; Guilhaudin, N.; Han, C.; Han, T.; Hauptman, J. M.; Herndon, M.; Hillier, A. D.; Hillman, M.; Holmes, T. R.; Homiller, S.; Jana, S.; Jindariani, S.; Johannesson, S.; Johnson, B.; Jones, O. R.; Jurj, P.-B.; Kahn, Y.; Kamath, R.; Kario, A.; Karpov, I.; Kelliher, D.; Kilian, W.; Kitano, R.; Kolehmainen, A.; Kong, K. C.; Kosse, J.; Krintiras, G.; Krizka, K.; Kumar, N.; Kvikne, E.; Kyle, R.; Laface, E.; Lane, K.; Latina, A.; Lechner, A.; Lee, J.; Lee, L.; Lee, S. W.; Lefevre, T.; Leonardi, E.; Lerner, G.; Li, P.; Li, Q.; Li, T.; Li, W.; Li Voti, R.; Lindroos, M.; Lipton, R.; Liu, D.; Liu, M.; Liu, Z.; Lombardi, A.; Lomte, S.; Long, K.; Longo, L.; Lorenzo, J.; Losito, R.; Low, I.; Lu, X.; Lucchesi, D.; Luo, T.; Lupato, A.; Métral, E.; Mekała, K.; Ma, Y.; Manczak, J. M.; Machida, S.; Madlener, T.; Magaletti, L.; Maggi, M.; Mainaud Durand, H.; Maltoni, F.; Mandurrino, M.; Marchand, C.; Mariani, F.; Marin, S.; Mariotto, S.; Martin-Haugh, S.; Masullo, M. R.; Mauro, G. S.; Mazzolari, A.; Mele, B.; Meloni, F.; Meng, X.; Mentink, M.; Miceli, R.; Milas, N.; Mohammadi, A.; Moll, D.; Montella, A.; Morandin, M.; Morrone, M.; Mulder, T.; Musenich, R.; Nardecchia, M.; Nardi, F.; Neuffer, D.; Newbold, D.; Novelli, D.; Olvegård, M.; Onel, Y.; Orestano, D.; Osborne, J.; Otten, S.; Oviedo Torres, Y. M.; Paesani, D.; Pagan Griso, S.; Pagani, D.; Pal, K.; Palmer, M.; Pampaloni, A.; Panci, P.; Pani, P.; Papaphilippou, Y.; Paparella, R.; Paradisi, P.; Passeri, A.; Pastrone, N.; Pellecchia, A.; Piccinini, F.; Piekarz, H.; Pieloni, T.; Plouin, J.; Portone, A.; Potamianos, K.; Potdevin, J.; Prestemon, S.; Puig, T.; Qiang, J.; Quettier, L.; Rabemananjara, T. R.; Radicioni, E.; Radogna, R.; Rago, I. C.; Ratkus, A.; Resseguie, E.; Reuter, J.; Ribani, P. L.; Riccardi, C.; Ricciardi, S.; Robens, T.; Robert, Y.; Rogers, C.; Rojo, J.; Romagnoni, M.; Ronald, K.; Rosser, B.; Rossi, C.; Rossi, L.; Rozanov, L.; Ruhdorfer, M.; Ruiz, R.; Queiroz, F. S.; Saini, S.; Sala, F.; Salierno, C.; Salmi, T.; Salvini, P.; Salvioni, E.; Sammut, Nicholas; Santini, C.; Saputi, A.; Sarra, I.; Scarantino, G.; Schneider-Muntau, H.; Schulte, D.; Scifo, J.; Sen, T.; Senatore, C.; Senol, A.; Sertore, D.; Sestini, L.; Silva Rêgo, R. C.; Simone, F. M.; Skoufaris, K.; Sorbello, G.; Sorbi, M.; Sorti, S.; Soubirou, L.; Spataro, D.; Stamerra, A.; Stapnes, S.; Stark, G.; Statera, M.; Stechauner, B. M.; Su, S.; Su, W.; Sun, X.; Sytov, A.; Tang, J.; Tang, J.; Taylor, R.; Ten Kate, H.; Testoni, P.; Thiele, L. S.; Tomas Garcia, R.; Topp-Mugglestone, M.; Torims, T.; Torre, R.; Tortora, L. T.; Trifinopoulos, S.; Udongwo, S.-A.; Vai, I.; Valente, R. U.; van Rienen, U.; van Weelderen, R.; Vanwelde, M.; Velev, G.; Venditti, R.; Vendrasco, A.; Verna, A.; Verweij, A.; Verwilligen, P.; Villamzar, Y.; Vittorio, L.; Vitulo, P.; Vojskovic, I.; Wang, D.; Wang, L.-T.; Wang, X.; Wendt, M.; Widorski, M.; Wozniak, M.; Wu, Y.; Wulzer, A.; Xie, K.; Yang, Y.; Yap, Y. C.; Yonehara, K.; Yoo, H. D.; You, Z.; Zanetti, M.; Zaza, A.; Zhang, L.; Zhu, R.; Zlobin, A.; Zuliani, D.; Zurita, J. F.
2023Training the future in HITRIplus project : a report on specialised course on heavy ion therapy researchDosanjh, Manjit; Facoetti, Angelica; Necchi, Monica; Sammut, Nicholas; Bateman, Joseph; Palskis, Kristaps; Taylor, Rebecca; Robertson, Cameron
2022Demonstration of enhanced FEL performance with optical klystrons and helical undulatorsKittel, Christoph; Calvi, Marco; Wang, Guanglei; Prat, Eduard; Sammut, Nicholas
2022FLASH in the clinic. HITRIplus project : building a pan-European heavy ion therapy research community and providing research facilities accessDosanjh, Manjit; Cirilli, Manuela; Durante, Marco; Facoetti, Angelica; Fossati, Piero; Graeff, Christian; Haberer, Thomas; Livraga, Maria Vittoria; Necchi, Monica; Plesko, Mark; Rossi, Lucio; Rossi, Sandro; Sammut, Nicholas; Scholtz, Ulrike; Vretenar, Maurizio
2021Transnational access, networking and joint research for heavy ion therapy researchRossi, Sandro; Cirilli, Manuela; Dosanjh, Manjit; Durante, Marco; Facoetti, Angelica; Fossati, Piero; Graeff, Christian; Haberer, Thomas; Livrage, Maria Vittoria; Necchi, Monica; Plesko, Mark; Rossi, Lucio; Sammut, Nicholas; Scholtz, Ulrike; Vretenar, Maurizio
2021HITRIplus project : building a pan-European heavy ion therapy research communityRossi, Sandro; Cirilli, Manuela; Dosanjh, Manjit; Durante, Marco; Facoetti, Angelica; Fossati, Piero; Graeff, Christian; Haberer, Thomas; Livraga, Maria Vittoria; Necchi, Monica; Plesko, Mark; Rossi, Lucio; Sammut, Nicholas; Schoetz, Ulrike; Vretenar, Maurizio
2020Optimization of a three-axes teslameter for the calibration of the next generation undulatorsCassar, Johann; Sammut, Andrew; Sammut, Nicholas; Calvi, Marco; Dimitrijevic, Sasa; Mitrovic, Zarko; Spasic, Sasa; Popovic Renella, Dragana; Popovic, Radivoje
2024Pulsed-mode magnetic field measurements with a single stretched wire systemVella Wallbank, Joseph; Buzio, Marco; Parrella, Alessandro; Petrone, Carlo; Sammut, Nicholas
2024Enhanced X-ray free-electron laser performance with optical klystron and helical undulatorsKittel, Christoph; Calvi, Marco; Reich, Sven; Sammut, Nicholas; Wang, Guanglei; Prat, Eduard
2021Behaviour of ironless inductive position sensors in close proximity to each otherSammut, Nicholas; Grima, Adrian; Di Castro, Mario; Masi, Alessandro
2021A social innovation strategic framework for a small island state : a case study of MaltaSammut, Nicholas; Spiteri, Diana; Sammut, Joseph Paul; Coppola, Irene; Lebrun, Benjamin; Lepre, Roberta
2021Analysis of the first magnetic results of the PSI APPLE X undulators in elliptical polarisationLiang, Xiaoyang; Calvi, Marco; Couprie, Marie-Emmanuelle; Romain, Ganter; Kittel, Christoph; Sammut, Nicholas; Schmidt, Thomas; Valleau, Mathieu; Zhang, Kai
2021Development of a real-time magnetic field measurement system for synchrotron controlVella Wallbank, Joseph; Amodeo, Maria; Beaumont, Anthony; Buzio, Marco; Di Capua, Vincenzo; Grech, Christian; Sammut, Nicholas; Giloteaux, David
2021South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies (SEEIIST)Amaldi, Ugo; Benedetto, Elena; Damjanovic, Sanja; Dosanjh, Manjit; Durante, Marco; Georgieva, Petya; Haberer, Thomas; Plesko, Mark; Ristova, Mimoza; Rossi, Sandro; Sammut, Nicholas; Sapinski, Mariusz; Schopper, Herwig; Specht, Hans; Voss, Rudiger; Vretenar, Maurizio; Wenninger, Horst
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 287