Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Spirituality and corporate ethics : a critical application of Danah Zohar's construct of spiritual intelligence | Pace, Lisa (2016) |
2016 | Interpreting youth ministry through positive youth development : a case study of ACTS | Farrugia, Roberta |
2016 | Youth ministry in the thought of bishop Nikol Guzeppi Cauchi (1967-2006) | Attard, Francesco Pio |
2016 | Theology of the body in adolescent girls : cultural challenges and Christian formation | Aquilina, Claire |
2016 | Integrating sexuality and spirituality : an exploration of friendship in consecrated celibacy | Wanjiru Njinu, Ann |
2016 | A critical analysis of the sexual ethics of Michael G. Lawler and Margaret Farley | Vella, John |
2016 | The role and function of Mary Magdalene in the canonical and apocryphal Gospels | Stellini, Doreen |
2016 | “Love of friendship” in the Christian life | Sammut, Jonathan |
2016 | The journey of youth leaders in Malta : a theological reflection | Rossi, Christine |
2016 | Maternal and neonatal health in times of disaster | Zerafa, Claire |
2016 | Embryo adoption : legal, religious and ethical issues | Vella, Charlene (2016) |
2016 | An ethical appraisal of the Embryo Protection Act, 2012 | St John, Brian |
2016 | The strengths and weaknesses of the 'principle of double effect' in the abortion debate | Pace, Josef |
2016 | Solidarity and compassion in resuscitation | Pace, David |
2016 | The impact of technology on childbearing | Mifsud, Stephanie |
2016 | Integrity and the dual use of research | Engerer, Vanessa |
2016 | Ethical issues in clinical trials in paediatrics | Cutajar, Louis |
2016 | Disability : an agenda for bioethics | Cremona Caruana, Kenneth |
2016 | Saviour siblings : an ethical appraisal | Camilleri, Katyana |
2016 | Human dignity in end of life care | Bonello, Liliana |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 34