Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | The blessing of the water in the rite of Baptism as an education to the faith | Borg, Christian Anthony (2017) |
2017 | Rediscovering ‘sapientia’ in an age riddled by ‘scientia’ : prophetic knowledge in Thomas Merton | Attard, Jonathan |
2017 | Salesian spiritual companionship with young people today inspired by the praxis and thought of St John Bosco | Grech, Louis |
2017 | Co-responsibility in Maltese parish communities in the light of ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ | Zaffarese, Andrea |
2017 | Discovering Christian identity and memory through the meeting of Jesus with the Samaritan woman (Jn 4:1-42) | Grech Sammut, Cynthia |
2017 | The process of grace in Julian of Norwich’s experience of prayer and contemplation | Clemmer, Edward J. |
2017 | Fostering spirituality in children in the Society of Christian Doctrine | Pace, Abigail |
2017 | The “Parable of Communion” in the writings of Brother Roger of Taizé | Micallef, Patricia |
2017 | John 11: 1-46 : an examination of the text from the diachronic approach | Zammit, Carmen |
2017 | Decision-making in the recruitment process : ethical considerations | Gauci, Gabrielle |
2017 | Mentoring at the workplace : an ethical perspective | Fenech, Corinne |
2017 | The revival of Christian imagination today : examining the key theological ideas in J.R.R. Tolkien | Attard, Josianne |
2017 | Von Balthasar’s Godforsakenness of Christ and Reaching out to the peripheries | Scicluna, Gilbert |
2017 | Disseminating the Word of God : online Evangelisation | Saydon, James |
2017 | Adolescents’ perceptions of church leadership | Zammit Gauci, Fiona |
2017 | Evangelii Gaudium in the light of Vatican Council II | Vella, Marco |
2017 | Celebrating the Easter Triduum with children | Vassallo, Noeleen |
2017 | Carrying the torch of the good news to the peripheries : the ecclesial vision of Pope Francis | Schembri, Jesmond |
2017 | Henri J. M. Nouwen’s path to healing : embracing brokenness within a eucharistic community | Pace, Claudia |
2017 | Aspects of the sacrament of reconciliation in the Papal Magisterium between 1983 and 2016 | Muramatsu, Kiyoshi |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 41