European Research Studies Journal, Volume 19, Issue 2 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 31
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Systemic approach to business administration of innovation-oriented enterpriseMysova, Olga S.; Dovlatyan, Galina P.; Belikova, Irina P.; Kostyuchenko, Tatiana N.; Troyanskaya, Maria
2016Role of business administration in the process of formation of post-industrial economyTelnova, Natalia N.; Serikov, Svyatoslav; Savelyeva, Nelli A.; Litvinova, Tatiana N.; Tenishchev, Alexander
2016Business administration as a basis for development of global entrepreneurshipErmakova, N. Y.; Fokina, Olga V.; Tyufiakova, Ekaterina S.; Rogacheva, Irina S.; Tyurina, Yulia
2016State stimulation of development of small entrepreneurship in developing countriesKusakina, Olga N.; Bannikova, Natalia V.; Morkovina, Svetlana S.; Litvinova, Tatiana N.
2016Management of small innovational enterprise under the conditions of global competition : possibilities and threatsBogdanova, Svetlana V.; Kozel, Irina V.; Ermolina, Lilia V.; Litvinova, Tatiana N.
2016Investment attractiveness of small innovational business under the conditions of globalization and integrationErmakova, Anna N.; Vaytsekhovskaya, Svetlana S.; Malitskaya, Viktoria B.; Prodanova, Natalya А.
2016Theoretical and methodological foundations of provision of well-balanced development of forest sector of economy under the conditions of climatic changes and increase of anthropogenic stressKonstantinov, Artem V.; Vasilyev, Oleg I.; Koroleva, Tatiana S.; Shunkina, Elizaveta A.
2016Solving the problem of credit defaults in retail sectorZaernyuk, Viktor M.; Nazarova, Zinaida M.; Kosyanov, Vadim A.; Filimonova, Nadezhda N.; Vershinina, Olga V.
2016Advancing success in behavior and activities as one of conditions for development of self-esteem with childrenDybina, Olga V.
2016Structural and logical model of contemporary global economic systemPopkova, Elena G.; Chechina, Oksana; Sultanova, Aleksandra
2016Russian nanotechnology industry development : the impact of external political and economic sanctionsInshakov, Oleg; Inshakova, Elena
2016Zoning of territory on the basis of modeling of efficiency of forest resources use in Russian regions’ economyZinovyeva, Irina S.; Kolesnichenko, Elena Alexandrovna; Yakovlev, Anatoly V.
2016Institutional tool of financial policy : contractual policyMakarova, Nadezhda N.; Zubko, Ekaterina I.; Bestuzheva, Larisa I.; Chusov, Ivan A.; Surkova, Viktoria V.
2016Perspectives of development of agriculture in crisis by the example of present-day RussiaKozenko, Yuri A.; Kozenko, Zinaida N.; Bobicheva, A.; Kozenko, Konstantin Y.; Filin, M.
2016Peculiarities of formation of socially oriented strategy of economic growth of national economyStroeva, Olesya A.; Mironenko, Nadezhda V.; Lyapina, Innara R.; Petrukhina, Elena V.
2016Organizational and methodological approaches to development of accounting policy for formation of integrated accounting of interrelated agricultural companiesBalashova, Natalia N.; Melikhov, V. A.; Ovchinnikov, Mikhail A.; Egorova, Ekaterina M.; Tokareva, E. V.
2016New forms of coal industry managementTkacheva, Olga A.; Batashova, Anna F.; Zhukova, Irina B.; Smakhtina, Anna A.; Naumenko, Raisa I.
2016Model of creation and management of the process of technological projects developmentMeskhi, Besarion C.; Izotov, Mikhail A.; Knyazeva, Yulia S.; Simonyan, Tatyana V.
2016Human capital as a key factor of economic growth in crisisSultanova, Aleksandra V.; Chechina, Oksana S.
2016Methodology of formation and realization of competitive strategy of machine building enterprisesEgorova, Anastasia O.; Andryashina, Natalia S.; Kuznetsov, Viktor P.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 31