Xjenza, 2018, Volume 6, Issue 2 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Does absence of charismatic species impact the ecotourism potential of Central Mediterranean islands?Agius, Karl; Theuma, Nadia; Deidun, Alan
2018The development of the sympathetic system of the heartBonnici, Gary; Zhang, Yimeng; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre
2018The 36th European Seismological Commission General AssemblyD’Amico, Sebastiano; Galea, Pauline; Agius, Matthew R.; Bozionelos, George; Farrugia, Daniela; Colica, Emanuele
2018Time variation, asymmetry and threshold effects in Malta's Phillips curveGatt, William
2018Maltese microalgae and global climate variabilityFenech, Kristina; Schembri, Sarah; Zammit, Gabrielle
2018Banking on you? : the level of public awareness of biobanks in MaltaDesira, Maria; Martin, Gillian M.
2018Action observation and execution network : an extended viewRozzi, Stefano; Marzio, Gerbella; Rizzolatti, Giacomo
2018A review of studies investigating the dielectric properties of biological tissues for application in hyperthermia and microwave thermal ablationBonello, Julian; Farrugia, Lourdes; Sammut, Charles V.
2018Estimates of input-output multipliers for the Maltese economy based on the symmetric input-output table for 2010Cassar, Ian P.; Rapa, Noel
2018Editorial [Xjenza, 6(2)]Sebu, Cristiana
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10