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Title: A practical and comprehensive overview of PET/CT : part 3
Authors: Aquilina, Mark Anthony
Keywords: Tomography, Emission
Radioisotopes in medical diagnosis
Issue Date: 2009-01
Publisher: Medical Portals Ltd.
Citation: Aquilina, M. A. (2009). A practical and comprehensive overview of PET/CT : part 3. The Synapse : the Medical Professionals' Network, 1, 4-24.
Abstract: Presently, the list of advantages of oncology PET/CT is growing longer as more studies are being published. Although PET/CT seems relatively expensive, it should now be considered a first choice investigation for staging and re-staging of most cancer pathologies, together with complementary imaging and laboratory investigations. The advantages outweigh the apparent 'expense drawback' since the increased sensibility, specificity and accuracy of this methodology over stand-alone CT allows better therapeutic planning and follow-up, and this could substantially reduce overall costs, where and when available.
Appears in Collections:The Synapse, Issue 01/09
The Synapse, Issue 01/09

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