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Title: Evaluation of the impact of a pharmaceutical care service offered to rheumatoid arthritis patients within an ambulatory setting
Authors: Grech, Louise
Coleiro, Bernard
Borg, Andrew A.
Serracino-Inglott, Anthony
Azzopardi, Lilian M.
Keywords: Pharmaceutical industry -- Case studies
Quality of life -- Case studies
Rheumatoid arthritis -- Case studies
Chemotherapy -- Problems, exercises, etc
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: American Journal of Pharmacy and Health Research
Citation: Louise, G., Bernard, C., Andrew, B., & Anthony, S. I. (2013). Evaluation of the impact of a pharmaceutical care service offered to rheumatoid arthritis patients within an ambulatory setting. American Journal of Pharmacy and Health Research 1(7), 78-86.
Abstract: The objectives of the study were to evaluate the impact of a newly developed pharmaceutical care services directed to rheumatoid arthritis patients attending an out-patient setting. A total of 88 patients participated in the study and were randomly divided into two equal groups, Group A and Group B. The study was carried out over three phases. In phase 1 (time 0), Group A patients were assessed and offered a pharmaceutical care session. Group B patients were assessed but no pharmaceutical care session was delivered. At phase 2 (4-6 months), group A patients were re-assessed (first assessment post pharmaceutical care plan). Group B patients were re-assessed a second time (second baseline assessment) and a pharmaceutical care session was offered to Group B patients. At phase 3 (time 10-11 months) both groups were re-assessed a third time. The Health Assessment Questionnaire and the Short Form-36 were used as outcome measures during each assessment. There were statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in all the 8 domains of the SF-36 between Phase 1 and 3 for both groups. For the Health Assessment Questionnaire, a statistical improvement in the daily activities was identified after the pharmaceutical care intervention for both groups (Phase 2 for Group A and phase 3 for Group B). The newly developed individualised pharmaceutical care service provided by the pharmacist led to an improved quality of life as measured by the health related quality of life questionnaires.
ISSN: 2321-3647
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacM&SPha

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