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Title: An exploration of the impact which fostering a child has on the couple relationship and on the biological children of the couple
Authors: Mercieca, Franslene
Keywords: Foster children -- Malta
Foster home care -- Malta
Foster children -- Family relationships -- Malta
Families -- Malta
Parent and child -- Malta
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Mercieca, F. (2019). An exploration of the impact which fostering a child has on the couple relationship and on the biological children of the couple (Bachelor’s dissertation).
Abstract: This study’s main aim is to explore impact fostering has on the relationship of the couple and on their biological children. This study considers different factors that can have an effect on both the couple undergoiong the fostering process as well as their biological children. Previous research done on fostering mainly focused on how fostering impacts the fostered children, but few studies elaborate on the effect fostering leaves on the couple’s relationship and on their biological children. Hence this study seeks to further explore issues that the foster parents and their biological children go through. Subsequent to this exploration, recommendations for change can possibly improve the services provided by the foster care system will be made. Such changes may improve the entire fostering experience, avoid placement breakdowns and encourage more people to become foster carers. The data was gathered through semi-structured interviews with foster carers who were currently fostering and have biological children. Six foster parents took part in this study. Participants were from Malta and Gozo. The main aim of the interviews was to gather real life challenges and difficulties that foster carers and their biological children go through every day. Thematic Analysis was used to analyse the data and hence the themes mentioned by the six participants interviewed emerged. From the literature review and the data gathered it was seen clearly that fostering greatly impacts the foster carers and their biological children. Although participants mentioned different issues that affect their family, the main two important things that were mentioned throughout were the training and support. When speaking about training the importance of having a more intensive preservice training and having on-going training were highlighted. Additionally the importance of the training to focus on the couple’s relationship and their biological children was also highlighted. Foster carers also emphasized the importance of constant support from their social workers. Having support from other specialist professionals such as psychiatrists, and psychologists, apart from social workers was a recommendation made by the majority of the participant.
Description: B.A.(HONS)SOC.WORK
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacSoW - 2019
Dissertations - FacSoWSPSW - 2019

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