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Title: Book reviews [International Journal of Emotional Education, 1(2)]
Authors: Parkinson, Gill
Hanley, Terry
Lendrum, Ann
Wigelsworth, Michael
Humphrey, Neil
Keywords: Books -- Reviews
Educational psychology
Emotional intelligence
Group work in education
Child psychology
Special education
Issue Date: 2009-11
Publisher: University of Malta. Centre for Resilience & Socio-Emotional Health
Citation: Parkinson, G., Hanley, T., Lendrum, A., Wigelsworth, M., & Humphrey, N. (2009). Book reviews. International Journal of Emotional Education, 1(2), 91-96.
Abstract: Welcome to the first book reviews section of the International Journal of Emotional Education. Our aim in this part of the journal is to provide frank reviews of the latest publications in this rapidly expanding field. In this and future issues we will be reviewing a wide range of academic and practitioner-oriented texts. The reviews provided below have all been completed by colleagues at the University of Manchester, UK. However, we would greatly welcome offers from other ENSEC members who feel that they can spare the time to read and review one of our new books for a future reviews section. If you are interested in volunteering to act as a book reviewer, please email and I will send you a list of our available texts.
ISSN: 20737629
Appears in Collections:IJEE, Volume 1, Issue 2

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