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Title: Korrispondenza
Authors: Frendo, Michael
Keywords: Open letters
Law -- Malta -- Periodicals
Civil law -- Malta -- Periodicals
Issue Date: 1975
Publisher: Għaqda Studenti tal-Liġi
Citation: Frendo, M. (1975). Korrispondenza. Id-Dritt, 4, 101-102.
Abstract: Qieghed nibgnatlek taghrif fuq il· World Peace Through Law Center, u nkunlek grat jekk tippubbli~ah fil·Law Jouma/. 11-World Peace Through Law Center huwa organizzazzjoni internazzjonali .ta' studenti, avukati, mhallfin u nies ohra interessati fil.-ligi bhala mezz paC! fiku ta' progress, ta' ftehim, u ta' ghaqda.
Appears in Collections:Id-Dritt : Volume 04 : January 1975
Id-Dritt : Volume 04 : January 1975

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