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Title: Creativity in ELT : an introduction
Other Titles: Creativity in English language teaching
Authors: Xerri, Daniel
Vassallo, Odette
Keywords: Language and languages -- Malta
Second language acquisition -- Malta
English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ELT Council
Citation: Xerri, D., & Vassallo, O. (2016). Creativity in ELT : an introduction. In D. Xerri & O. Vassallo (Eds.), Creativity in English language teaching (pp. 01-07). Floriana: ELT Council.
Abstract: Creativity is one of the most exciting concepts that currently inform ELT. The attainment of creativity in the classroom is most probably dependent on teachers’ own creative practices. However, these practices need not always be thought of as generating novelty out of nothing. This book consists of a selection of papers based on talks and workshops delivered at the 4th ELT Malta Conference. The book’s title is derived from the theme of the conference and it brings together the perspectives of a group of international and Maltese experts in ELT, all of whom address the idea that creativity is a vital aspect of language learning and teaching.
ISBN: 9789995710002
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - CenELP
Scholarly Works - FacArtEng

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