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Title: Composition portfolio
Authors: Ahmadi, Mandana (2001)
Keywords: Composition (Music)
Musicians -- Malta
Issue Date: 2001
Citation: Ahmadi, M. (2001). Composition portfolio (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'f Faith, wrote The Seven Valleys, a mystical Tablet, in response to the questions of a SUff judge by the name of Shaykh Muhyi'dDin. This literary composition describes the journey of the "soul toward the object of its being", progressing through seven stages, or Seven Valleys as they are referred to in the work. The quest of the wayfarer for the "Friend" begins in the Valley of Search, which transports the soul into the next stage of its development, in the Valley of Love. The soul then proceeds to the Valley of Knowledge, wherefrom it enters into the Valley of Unity. On having fulfilled the condition~ of this Valley, the wayfarer is free to move into the Valley of Contentment. The Valley of Wonderment is the penultimate stage through which the soul passes, before it reaches the "heavenly homeland", synonymous with the Valley of True Poverty and Absolute Nothingness.
Description: B.A.(HONS)MUSIC
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - PAMS - 1993-2012
Dissertations - SchPA - 1968-2011

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