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Title: Portfolio of compositions
Authors: Cauchi, Daniel (2007)
Keywords: Music -- Malta
Composition (Music)
Issue Date: 2007
Citation: Cauchi, D. (2007). Portfolio of compositions (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: The term "Suite" is applied to a set of independent non-lengthy instrumental movements systematized in a collection and meant for a single continuous performance. Each movement carries a different character. The origin of the form lies in the combination of dances in the 14th and 15th centuries such as the pavane and galliard or the basse danse and saltarello. These two dances were often based on the same melodic theme but treated in different tempos. The first general use of this grouping dates back to 1557 in Estienne du Tertre's published Suyttes de Bransles. The term "Suite" though did not appear until the mid-16th century. During the Baroque era the suite was principally an instrumental form. Eventually all movements became stylized pieces modelled on the character of a specific dance. An important unifying factor was the use of the same key in all movements. By the early 18th century the suite had become a standard form, consisting of the Allemande which originated in Germany, Courante which derived from an Italian folk dance, Sarabande which possibly evolved from a Spanish dance and the Gigue which originated in England.
Description: B.A.(HONS)MUSIC
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - PAMS - 1993-2012
Dissertations - SchPA - 1968-2011

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