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Title: A piano recital : an insight into the works performed
Authors: Spiteri, Kristian (2003)
Keywords: Music rehearsals
Issue Date: 2003
Citation: Spiteri, K. (2003). A piano recital : an insight into the works performed (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: A one hour piano recital is what will be discussed in the following sections. The main idea behind the music chosen is that of moving through Baroque, Classic, Romantic and the Modern periods. Because of this linear idea of historical progress, I felt the necessity to perform the pieces in chronological order. Bach, Beethoven and Brahms are so closely related that it was impossible for me to choose one and not choose them all. Shostakovich's tragic irony has always haunted me and in opus 34 this metaphorical shift from tragedy to irony is really evident. This document offers an intellectual dimension of the performance. It deals mostly with historical aspects and performance practices which should help the performer to develop a justification for his or her choices of interpretation. It helps to develop a track which is near to the composer's original vision.
Description: B.A.(HONS)MUSIC
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - PAMS - 1993-2012
Dissertations - SchPA - 1968-2011

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