Women Students at the University of Malta: the first 100 years
The Humanities, Medicine and Science Platform (HUMS) will be holding its Autumn Symposium on the morning of Friday 25 October 2019 at the Faculty of Arts Library. HUMS is dedicating this symposium to women and their roles at the University of Malta.
The Humanities, Medicine and Science Platform (HUMS) will be holding its Autumn Symposium on the morning of Friday 25 October 2019 at the Faculty of Arts Library. HUMS is dedicating this symposium to women and their roles at the University of Malta.
This year, the University of Malta celebrates another important anniversary in addition to the 250th year since its Foundation. The centenary of the first women student admissions to the University of Malta in 1919 provides the platform for HUMS to revisit the past, evaluate the present, and confront the future of women students, graduates and academics at our Alma Mater in 2019.
The Symposium will be chaired by Professor Clare Vassallo. The event will start with a commemoration of the first two women alumnae, followed by a conversation with the University’s first woman Registrar, Ms Veronica Grech. Presentations will be followed up by discussion amongst speakers and audience.
09:00 Coffee
09:30 Start of the Symposium
- A Centenary Commemoration: Tessie Camilleri and Blanche Huber, the first two women admitted to university studies in Malta.
Patricia Camilleri
- In conversation with the Registrar, Veronica Grech.
- Maltese women in academia: Has the glass ceiling cracked?
Lydia Schriha
- Through the looking glass: transformative education and contested spaces.
Brenda Murphy
- Is it that true that education not only takes women forward, but educated women take society forward?Elizabeth Coombs
- 100 years of women at the University of Malta: past achievements, future challenges.
Carmen Sammut
- Hors Concours: Women and Higher Education. Introducing a photographic exhibition.
Raphael Vella
12:30 Refreshments
The event is free of charge, however persons wishing to attend the Symposium are asked to email danielle.baldacchino@um.edu.mt to register, for practical purposes.