Internationalisation Partnership Awards Scheme Plus 2021 IPAS+ Call 2

3G - Geophysics and Geomatics to Characterize the Geological Structures, its Activity and its related Hazard in the Granada Basin, Spain.

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Sebastiano DAmico

End date:

21 December 2022

ACROSS - Quantum Computers as Open Systems

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Tony John George Apollaro

End date:

21 December 2022

BDNF as a Target for both Absence Seizures and Comorbid Treatment - BDNF as a Target for both Absence Seizures and Comorbid Treatment

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Giuseppe Di Giovanni

End date:

31 August 2022

DEED - Drivers of Equitable Education for Democracy

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Maria Brown

End date:

21 December 2022

International Workshop to stimulate COLLABORATIVE ALS RESEARCH in South & East Mediterranean Nations: MALTA as a Springboard - International Workshop to stimulate COLLABORATIVE ALS RESEARCH in South & East Mediterranean Nations: MALTA as a Springboard

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Ruben J Cauchi

End date:

30 April 2023

MH2 - Multidisciplinary Study of the Hydrodynamics and Hydrochemistry of the Coast of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Sebastiano D'Amico

End date:

21 December 2021

MILCA - Mechanism Induced Lung Cancer Approach

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Anthony Fenech

End date:

30 September 2022

MITIQ - Quantum Information & Thermodynamics in Ireland and Malta

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andre Xuereb

End date:

21 December 2022

SEDIMENT - Sentinels for Erosion and seDImentation Monitoring Enhanced by Artificial iNTelligence

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ing. Gianluca Valentino

End date:

30 November 2022

Super Graphene - Super Graphene

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Joseph N Grima

End date:

31 August 2023

Translating Centuries-long Shared Ties into Collaborative ALS - Translating Centuries-long Shared Ties into Collaborative ALS

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Ruben J Cauchi

End date:

31 August 2023