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Title: Employment in the public sector as a statement of dignity
Authors: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Handikappati
Ghaqda ghall-Genituri ta' Tfal Handikappati
Department of Health. Health Education Unit
Authors: Cilia Debono, Emanuel
Keywords: People with disabilities -- Employment -- Malta
Job creation -- Law and legislation -- Malta
People with disabilities -- Government policy
People with disabilities -- Rehabilitation
Right to labor
Issue Date: 1989
Publisher: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Handikappati
Citation: Cilia Debono, E. (1989). Employment in the public sector as a statement of dignity. Lejn il-futur: prinċipji u policies għall-persuni ħandikappati u l-familji tagħhom - Proceedings of a National Seminar, University of Malta (pp. 87-91). Malta: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Handikappati.
Abstract: Man has a right to work and to find employment, not only because work provides him with the means of living in dignity as a human being, but also because work can be seen as an expression of his identity as a person, whilst it gives him simultaneously the feeling of being useful in the society in which he lives. The handicapped person should not be in any way deprived of the right to work. The 1969 Act on the employment of the handicapped acknowledges the right of the handicapped person to seek a job suitable for him. In fact, the law was the first step in a process towards allowing the handicapped person to take up a job as of right and not as a favour or as an act of charity.
Appears in Collections:Lejn il-futur : prinċipji u policies għall-persuni ħandikappati u l-familji tagħhom

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