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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015The clinical bank of BBMRI.mtVella, Joanna; Borg, Joseph J.; Grech, Laura; Galdies, Ruth; Scerri, Jeanesse; Cassar, Wilhelmina; Scerri, Christian A.; Camilleri, Alexander; Bezzina Wettinger, Stephanie; Farrugia, Rosienne; Camilleri, G.; Pace, Nikolai Paul; Zammit, E.; Said Conti, Valerie; Grech, Godfrey; Saliba, Christian; Soler, Doriette; Vella, Norbert R.; Borg, Isabella; Said, Edith; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Ellul, Bridget; Felice, T.; Grima, David; Ebejer, Jean Paul; Felice, Alex E.
2015The clinical bank of BBMRI.mtVella, Joanna; Grech, Laura; Scerri, Jeanesse; Scerri, Christian A.; Bezzina Wettinger, Stephanie; Camilleri, Graziella; Zammit, Esther; Grech, Godfrey; Soler, Doriette; Borg, Isabella; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Abela, Mark; Ebejer, Jean Paul; Borg, Joseph N.; Galdies, Ruth; Cassar, Wilhelmina; Camilleri, Alexander; Farrugia, Rosienne; Pace, Nikolai Paul; Said Conti, Valerie; Vella, Norbert R.; Saliba, Christian; Said, Edith; Ellul, Bridget; Grima, David; Felice, Alex E.
1975-08Distribution of diverticula of the large intestine based on postmortem studiesPace, Joseph L.; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese
1974-10Diverticular disease of right colon : report of 7 post-mortem casesPace, Joseph L.; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese
2015-05External rib structure can be predicted using mathematical models : an anatomical study with application to understanding fractures and intercostal muscle functionCasha, Aaron R.; Camilleri, Liberato; Manche, Alexander; Gatt, Ruben; Attard, Daphne; Gauci, Marilyn; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Grima, Joseph N.
2001Interferon gamma induction in human melanoma cell/allogeneic leukocyte co-cultures is enhanced by interleukin 18 but drug resistant melanoma cells are poorer inducers of IFN-gammaMicallef, Mark J.; Darmanin, Stephanie; Buhagiar, Joseph A.; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Yamauchi, Hiroshi; Kurimoto, Masashi; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; Ellul-Micallef, Roger
2015-11Internal rib structure can be predicted using mathematical models : an anatomic study comparing the chest to a shell dome with application to understanding fracturesCasha, Aaron R.; Camilleri, Liberato; Gatt, Ruben; Attard, Daphne; Gauci, Marilyn; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; McDonald, Stuart; Grima, Joseph N.; Manche, Alexander
2014-06Is there a biomechanical cause for spontaneous pneumothorax?Casha, Aaron; Gatt, Ruben; Wolak, Wiktor; Dudek, Krzysztof; Gauci, Marilyn; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Grima, Joseph N.; Manche, Alexander
2012Load bearing shell structures and rib cortical thicknessCasha, Aaron; Manche, Alexander; Gauci, Marilyn; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Wolak, W.; Dudek, Krzysztof; Gatt, Ruben; Grima, Joseph N.
2014Mechanism of sternotomy dehiscenceCasha, Aaron; Gatt, Ruben; Duca, Edward; Gauci, Marilyn; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Grima, Joseph N.; Manche, Alexander
2011Methicillin resistant S. Aureus in autopsy casesZammit, Marie Clare; Azzopardi, Lilian M.; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; Zarb Adami, Maurice; Cuschieri, Paul; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese
2012Number of wires required for median sternotomy closureCasha, Aaron; Manche, Alexander; Gauci, Marilyn; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Micallef, V.; Gatt, Ruben; Grima, Joseph N.
2017Physiological rules for the heart, lungs and other pressure-based organsCasha, Aaron R.; Camilleri, Liberato; Manche, Alexander; Gatt, Ruben; Gauci, Marilyn; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Grima, Joseph N.; Scarci, Marco; Chetcuti, Stanley
2012Placement of sternal wires in median sternotomy closureCasha, Aaron; Manche, Alexander; Gauci, Marilyn; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Micallef, V.; Gatt, Ruben; Grima, Joseph N.
2012-03Placement of trans-sternal wires according to an ellipsoid pressure vessel model of sternal forcesCasha, Aaron; Gauci, Marilyn; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Sant, Zdenka; Gatt, Ruben; Grima, Joseph N.; Manche, Alexander
2015-03Rare disease research and the Malta biobankVella, Joanna; Borg, Joseph J.; Grech, Laura; Galdies, Ruth; Scerri, Jeanesse; Cassar, Wilhelmina; Scerri, Christian A.; Grech, Godfrey; Soler, Doriette; Said, Edith; Borg, Isabella; Vella, Norbert R.; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Ellul, Bridget; Abela, Mark; Grima, David; Zammit, Esther; Pace, Nikolai Paul; Felice, Alex E.; Said Conti, Valerie
2012Rib morphologyCasha, Aaron; Manche, Alexander; Gauci, Marilyn; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Duca, Edward; Gatt, Ruben; Grima, Joseph N.
2013-03Shattering women's glass ceilingCamilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese
1995Spluzjoni ta' problemi etici u morali fil-medicinaCamilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese
2013Totarol content and cytotoxicity varies significantly in different types of propolisZammit, Elizabeth Jane; Theuma, Krystle Blair; Darmanin, Stephanie; Muraglia, Marilena; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Buhagiar, Joseph A.; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Zarb Adami, Maurice; Franchini, Carlo; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Micallef, Mark