Browsing by Author Farrugia, Marie Therese

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 38  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Bilingual classrooms in Malta : teaching mathematics content and languageFarrugia, Marie Therese
2017A case study on teaching mathematical language : an experience with 5-year-old childrenFarrugia, Marie Therese
2015Creating a Maltese register for mathematics in MaltaFarrugia, Marie Therese
2018-06Editorial [Malta Review of Educational Research, 12(1)]Buhagiar, Michael A.; Farrugia, Marie Therese; Bezzina, Leonard
2019Embracing multilingualism in Maltese schools : from bilingual to multilingual pedagogyParis, Anna; Farrugia, Marie Therese
2022Engaging in the discourse of fractions in a bilingual Maltese classroomFarrugia, Marie Therese
2018-09European Research into Mathematics Education (ERME) Column : introducing CERME’s thematic working group 9, ‘Mathematics and Language’Planas, Nuria; Farrugia, Marie Therese; Erath, Kirstin; Cooper, Jason
2016Frequency, significance and clarity : factors supporting the learning of mathematical vocabulary in bilingual classroomsFarrugia, Marie Therese
2021From everyday to scientific (mathematical) concepts : a Vygotskian interpretation of a young child’s speechFarrugia, Marie Therese
2003From one language to another : a semiotic interpretation of the translation of mathematical wordsFarrugia, Marie Therese
2019From policy to practice : giving attention to language in primary mathematics educationFarrugia, Marie Therese
2022From syllabi to learning outcomes : the use of online interviews to investigate educators’ views of curricular changeFarrugia, Marie Therese
2018A functional linguistics analysis of a mathematics register expressed through two languagesFarrugia, Marie Therese
2022Glossarju bilingwi ta’ termini tal-matematika : is-snin bikrin u tal-primarjaFarrugia, Marie Therese; Muscat, David; Casha Sammut, Melanie; Vella, Lara Ann
2019Introduction to TWG09 : transforming language-sensitive mathematics education research into papers and postersPlanas, Nuria; Farrugia, Marie Therese; Ingram, Jenni; Schutte, Marcus; Jankvist
2018Learning fractions through two languages in an elementary classroom : the interrelation of Maltese and English with the mathematics register(s)Farrugia, Marie Therese
2018Malta Review of Educational Research : volume 12 : issue 1Buhagiar, Michael A.; Farrugia, Marie Therese; Bezzina, Leonard
2020Maltese teachers’ beliefs concerning the integration of children’s literature in mathematics teaching and learningFarrugia, Marie Therese; Trakulphadetkrai, Natthapoj Vincent
2021Mathematics through play : the influence of adult intervention on young children's shifts between play and mathematical discoursesFarrugia, Marie Therese
2023Mind the gap! Using a discourse perspective to bridge students’ experiences of learning mathematics across grade levelsFarrugia, Marie Therese