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Title: Facilitating health promotion and disease prevention in Maltese family practice
Authors: Sammut, Mario R.
Keywords: Editorials
Health promotion -- Malta
Medicine, Preventive -- Malta
Physicians (General practice) -- Malta
Issue Date: 2024-12
Publisher: Malta College of Family Doctors
Citation: Sammut, M. R. (2024). Facilitating health promotion and disease prevention in Maltese family practice. Journal of Malta College of Family Doctors, 13(1), 3-4.
Abstract: The European Definition of General Practice / Family Medicine does not just define the characteristics of the speciality, but also describes the core competences of family medicine (WONCA Europe, 2023). One characteristic is the promotion of health and wellbeing of patients, which, as specified by one of the core competences, is achieved by applying health promotion and disease prevention strategies appropriately (WONCA Europe, 2023). The December 2024 issue of the JMCFD – Journal of the Malta College of Family Doctors – includes no less than four (out of five) articles regarding this important role of family doctors in Malta. The first by Attard et al. (2024) compares the knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits regarding health promotion and disease prevention of Maltese family doctors / general practitioners (GPs) to results from two previous studies (Sammut, 2006; Pace, Sammut and Gauci, 2014). Although less difficulty in carrying out disease prevention and health promotion activities was reported by family doctors, the main problem remained a lack of time due to a heavy workload (Sammut, 2006; Pace, Sammut and Gauci, 2014; Attard et al., 2024). [excerpt]
Appears in Collections:JMCFD, Volume 13, Issue 1
JMCFD, Volume 13, Issue 1

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