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dc.identifier.citationMalta Council for the Voluntary Sector, et al. (2020) L-armar f'Ħal Luqa matul is-snin, 'Il-prattika ta' snajja tradizzjonali fil-festi Maltin', pp. 10-13en_GB
dc.description.abstractL-armar fil-Festi huwa element importanti li jsawwar din il-manifestazzjoni ta' briju u taħlita ta' reliġjon mal-profan. Dan jidher fl-irħula kollha ta' Mata u Għawdex speċjalment f'Ħal Luqa. L-artiklu jikteb fuq l-istorja ta' l-armar f'Ħal Luqa sal-lum.en_GB
dc.publisherLuqa : Għaqda Mużikali Sant’Andrijaen_GB
dc.subjectFeasts, Religious -- Malta -- Luqaen_GB
dc.subjectStreet decoration -- Malta -- Luqaen_GB
dc.subjectLuqa (Malta) -- Historyen_GB
dc.subjectBand clubs -- Malta -- Luqa -- Historyen_GB
dc.subjectGhaqda Muzikali Sant’Andrija (Luqa, Malta)en_GB
dc.subjectVassallo, Andrea, 1856-1928en_GB
dc.subjectDarmanin, Carlo, 1825-1909. Four Angels of the Monument (Luqa, Malta)en_GB
dc.subjectDarmanin, Carlo, 1825-1909. Malta Gwerriera (Luqa, Malta)en_GB
dc.subjectProcessional statues -- Malta -- Luqaen_GB
dc.titleL-armar f'Ħal Luqa matul is-sninen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holderen_GB
dc.contributor.corpauthorGħaqda Mużikali Sant’Andrija. Għaqda Armar Dominanti F'Gieħ Sant Andrija Meqjusa (Luqa, Malta)en_GB
dc.contributor.corpauthorMalta Council for the Voluntary Sectoren_GB
dc.contributor.corpauthorMalta. Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisationsen_GB
dc.description.reviewednon peer-revieweden_GB
Appears in Collections:Melitensia Works - ERCFADA

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