Dissertations - FacSoWPsy - 2020 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 69
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Children and new media : a psychosocial approach to understanding how preadolescents make sense of online risksFarrugia, Lorleen
2020The experience of stress on eating behaviour in female university studentsZarb, Raquel (2020)
2020Exploring the impact of self-harm within the family : the perspective of various helping professionalsVella, Nicole (2020)
2020Examining the role of handedness in visual-spatial abilitiesLeone Ganado, Kristina (2020)
2020The social behaviour of teenagers with ADHD amongst their peer group : a parent’s perspectiveVella, Naina (2020)
2020Reflections beyond the mat: an inquiry into the implications of yoga practice on wellbeing : a qualitative studyVella, Lyanne (2020)
2020Mental health professionals’ perception of chronic nightmares in clientsVella, Lyon (2020)
2020How people with a physical disability experience the relationship with their assistance dogsVella, Francesca Marie (2020)
2020Traumatic childhood experiences and addiction : professionals’ perspectives and perceptionsVassallo, Maria (2020)
2020Classroom learning : perceptions of University students with a profile of dyslexiaVassallo, Maria (2020)
2020The lived experience of individuals diagnosed with type 1 diabetes during childhoodTorrilla, Leanne (2020)
2020Gender differences in online self-promotion and self-esteemShoobert, Eloise Amy (2020)
2020Sleep practices and attitudes among young adultsRonayne, Leanne (2020)
2020The psychological impact of death on health professionals working with cancerRichard, Janet (2020)
2020Once upon a childhood: parents’ attitudes towards Disney films and their perceived effects on childrenOverend, Rebecca (2020)
2020To dream in different cultures : exploring perceptions and experiences of dreams across University students from different culturesMijailovic, Kristina (2020)
2020Demographic differences in environmental attitudes in MaltaLinstead, Lisa (2020)
2020Heterosexual men’s experiences of having friendships with gay menMallia, Vince (2020)
2020Normative Anxiety in young males : a lifespan perspectiveMifsud, Jodie (2020)
2020Study on self-imposed social media restriction on emerging adults : a qualitative studyScalpello, Lisa (2020)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 69

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