Advanced experimental characterization of human and animal tissues

Published on 08/10/2020

Simona Di Meo 

This STSM inserts in the framework of the open debate in the microwave medical community about the large variability in the dielectric properties refereed to the same organ. The purposes of this STSM were several. The first aim was the definition of an unambiguous measurement protocol for the dielectric properties of biological samples, as this could be one of the reasons why there is no univocity in dielectric properties of the same tissue measured by different research groups. In addition, to better understand the origin of these differences for the dielectric measurement data the hydration level of the samples was investigated as a possible classifier for dielectric measurements both for homogeneous and heterogeneous tissues.

Another objective of this STSM was the comparison between the measured data on animal tissues and the measured data on ex-vivo samples derived from humans. Till now there have been no in-depth studies to show whether or not there is a significant statistical difference in the dielectric properties of biological tissues obtained from animals when compared with those derived from humans. Understanding this question is very useful not only to re-evaluate the characterization works already present in the literature, but also for all future experimental campaigns.”

1. S. Di Meo, J. Bonello, I. Farhat, L. Farrugia, M. Pasian, C. V Sammut, and G. Matrone, “Preliminary study on the inter- and intra-species variability for the dielectric permittivity of animal kidney,” International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2019), Granada, Spain, September 9-13, 2019.

2. S. Di Meo, I. Farhat, J. Bonello, L. Farrugia, M. Pasian and C. V Sammut, “Hydration as classifier of dielectric measurement data from 500MHz to 50GHz,” PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2019), Rome, Italy, June 17-20, 2019.

3. I. Farhat, J. Bonello, L. Farrugia, S. Di Meo, D. A. Pollacco, and C. V Sammut, “Dielectric Spectroscopy of Liver Mixture Model for Millimetre-Wave Imaging,” European Microwave Conference in Central Europe (EuMCE 2019), Prague, Czech Republic, May 13-15, 2019.