
The Astrionics Research Group has forged important strategic alliances with a number of entities that compliment its core competences in electronic design in order to be able to build test and deploy various space systems.

University of Birmingham - Space Environment and Radio Engineering Group (SERENE)
SERENE is a new research group in the School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering at the University of Birmingham. It has been set up to develop a programme of internationally recognised, inter-disciplinary research to measure, model and mitigate the effects of the ionosphere on radio systems. SERENE is supported by a Chair that has been co-sponsored by DSTL and the Royal Academy of Engineering. It is expected that the group will grow the UK capability in this area and bridge the gap between academia and industry.

Blu5 Labs (Malta)
Blu5 focuses on the design and development of hardware-software platforms, targeted to ICT systems developers and integrators in various fields such as IoT, FinTech, Automotive, BioMedical, Information Security and Telecommunications. With sales and implementation offices established in Asia Pacific and in Europe, supported by significant academic and business partnerships, Blu5 is rapidly expanding to deliver its innovative approach to open platforms and ICT security. The considerable knowledge and expertise of Blu5 team of experts, covering security architectures, mobile networks, communication solutions and network services, is the company key enabler for generating innovative solutions focused on customer requirements.  Academic cooperation for blue sky research and platforms culture dissemination, such as papers publication and university courses, is a further element to support the innovation stream that the company wants to pursue in.

Malta Amateur Radio League (MARL)
The Malta Amateur Radio League is the official representative body for Amateur Radio in Malta. Since MARL was established in 1922, its aim was to bring together people interested in amateur radio and electronics to discuss and defend amateur radio matters and opinions with the local authorities. It provides educational facilities for members and is also fully equipped with an amateur radio station. Most miniature civilian satellites use Amateur Radio frequency bands which require licensing by the national representative bodies. Courses leading to such a license are being offered to engineering students by MARL.

Group of Astrodynamics for the Use of Space Systems (G.A.U.S.S. Srl)
The Group of Astrodynamics for the Use of Space Systems (G.A.U.S.S. Srl) is an Italian limited liability company based in Rome, founded in 2012 as a spin-off of the Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale of Sapienza University of Rome, carrying on the school's more than twelve years tradition in the field of microsatellites. Active in the space technology field, its aims are the research, the development and the implementation of aerospace projects, plus the educational aspect and the execution of related cultural initiatives.