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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003Identification of a heteromeric interaction that influences the rectification, gating, and pH sensitivity of Kir4.1/Kir5.1 potassium channelsCasamassima, Maria; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Pessia, Mauro; Tucker, Stephen J.
2000Role of receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase α (RPTPα) and tyrosine phosphorylation in the serotonergic inhibition of voltage-dependent potassium channelsImbrici, Paola; Tucker, Stephen J.; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Pessia, Mauro
2015De novo point mutations in patients diagnosed with ataxic cerebral palsyParolin Schnekenberg, Ricardo; Perkins, Emma M.; Miller, Jack W.; Davies, Wayne L.; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Pessia, Mauro; Fawcett, Katherine A.; Sims, David; Gillard, Elodie; Hudspith, Karl A. Z.; Skehel, Paul A.; Williams, Jonathan; O'Regan, Mary E.; Jayawant, Sandeep S.; Jefferson, Rosalind J.; Hughes, Sarah M.; Lustenberger, Andrea; Ragoussis, Jiannis; Jackson, Mandy; Tucker, Stephen J.; Nemeth, Andrea H.
2015Novel phenotype associated with a mutation in the KCNA1(Kv1.1) geneD'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Gallenmuller, Constanze; Servettini, Ilenio; Hartl, Elisabeth; Tucker, Stephen J.; Arning, Larissa; Biskup, Saskia; Grottesi, Alessandro; Guglielmi, Luca; Imbrici, Paola; Bernasconi, Pia; Di Giovanni, Giuseppe; Franciolini, Fabio; Catacuzzeno, Luigi; Pessia, Mauro; Klopstock, Thomas
2001Differential pH sensitivity of Kir4.1 and Kir4.2 potassium channels and their modulation by heteropolymerisation with Kir5.1Pessia, Mauro; Imbrici, Paola; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Salvatore, Lorena; Tucker, Stephen J.
2011The Kir5.1 potassium channel is an important determinant of neuronal PCO2/pH sensitivityD'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Shang, Lijun; Imbrici, Paola; Brown, Steve D. M.; Pessia, Mauro; Tucker, Stephen J.
2009Contributions of the central hydrophobic residue in the PXP motif of voltage-dependent K+ channels to S6 flexibility and gating propertiesImbrici, Paola; Grottesi, Alessandro; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Tucker, Stephen J.; Pessia, Mauro
2000pH dependence of the inwardly rectifying potassium channel, Kir5.1, and localization in renal tubular epitheliaTucker, Stephen J.; Imbrici, Paola; Salvatore, Lorena; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Pessia, Mauro
2011Genetic inactivation of Kcnj16 identifies Kir5.1 as an important determinant of neuronal PCO2/pH sensitivityD'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Shang, Lijun; Imbrici, Paola; Brown, Steve D. M.; Pessia, Mauro; Tucker, Stephen J.
2008A novel KCNA1 mutation identified in an Italian family affected by episodic ataxia type 1Imbrici, Paola; Gualandi, Francesca; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Masieri, Marina Taddei; Cudia, Paola; De Grandis, Domenico; Mannucci, Roberta; Nicoletti, Ildo; Tucker, Stephen J.; Ferlini, Alessandra; Pessia, Mauro