Master of Arts (Research on Islands and Small States)

Master of Arts (Research on Islands and Small States)

Course Title

Master of Arts (Research on Islands and Small States)

MQF Level


Duration and Credits

6 Semesters


Mode of Study

Part-time Day Blended

Information for International applicants

Applicants must be in possession of:

Refer to the list of country-specific qualifications

The Course shall be open to applicants in possession of a first cycle degree obtained with at least Second Class (Honours) or Category II in an area of study which the Board of Studies deems to be relevant to the proposed area of study for the dissertation,

provided that applicants in possession of a degree with Third Class (Honours) shall satisfy the Board of Studies that they are in possession of other qualifications, including relevant experience obtained following the first cycle degree.

The admission of applicants may be made conditional on the result of an interview conducted by an interviewing board composed of at least three members, appointed by the Board for the purpose.

Applicants are required to submit the following information:

  1. a draft research proposal (further information on structure is available here)
  2. a motivational letter (not exceeding one page)
  3. a recent CV
  4. at least 2 reference letters

You are viewing the entry requirements for International applicants. Switch to Local qualifications.

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You can submit your application online. The deadlines for submission of applications vary according to the intake and courses. We encourage all international applicants to submit their applications as soon as possible. This is especially important if you require a visa to travel and eventually stay in Malta.

You can compare your national qualifications to the local requirements by visiting our qualifications comparability webpage. Access more information about our admission process and English language requirements.

The University of Malta has student accommodation on campus called Campus Hub. Campus Hub is just a 2-minute walk from the main campus. For more information, visit the accommodation website.

Our dedicated team at the student recruitment office is here to support you every step of the way. From the moment you start your application to the moment when you receive your decision letter, we're here to assist you. If you have any questions or need further information, don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us at, and our team will be more than happy to help.

After you receive an offer from us, our International Office will assist you with visas, accommodation and other related issues.

This programme of study is also offered on a full-time basis. Please consult the Registrar's website for more information pertaining to courses offered by the University.

The programme is designed so as to enhance your knowledge on islands and small states matters. The course is intended to be inter-disciplinary and will relate to economic, social, environmental and political issues associated with islands and small states. The different study units offered by the programme are designed so as to strengthen your capacities to understand and identify the advantages and constraints associated with small country size and insularity. The programme should enhance your capacities for thinking, reasoning, conceptualizing, and assessing key theoretical, and applied, aspects relating to islands and small states, thus, additionally, contributing to your intellectual development.

As an enrolled student, you will be required to attend face-to-face lectures at the University for a two-week period at the beginning of October. You will then be expected to continue with your studies via online platforms provided by the University.

Year   (This/these unit/s start/s in Semester 1 and continue/s in Semester 2)
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
ISS5200 Introduction to the Study of Islands and Small States 1: Economic and Environmental Issues 5 ECTS    
ISS5210 Introduction to the Study of Islands and Small States 2: Social and Political Issues 5 ECTS    
ISS5220 Research Methodology 10 ECTS    

Summer Semester
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
ISS5230* Dissertation 70 ECTS    

* Work on the dissertation is expected to start in Summer Semester of academic year 2024-25 and continue up to the end of Summer Semester of academic year 2025-26.


This programme of study is governed by the General Regulations for University Postgraduate Awards, 2021 and by the Bye-Laws for the award of the degree of Master of Arts in Islands and Small States Studies - M.A. - under the auspices of the Islands and Small States Institute.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Recognise the special characteristics of islands and small states to suggest policy measures associated with these characteristics.
  • Undertake an in-depth analysis of economic and environmental realities in territories characterised by small population size and insularity, enabling you to identify situations where one-size-fits-all policy measures may not be appropriate.
  • Undertake an in-depth analysis of social and political realities in territories characterised by small population size and insularity, enabling you to identify situations where a one-size-fits-all policy measures may not be appropriate for social development and political governance.
  • Apply quantitative and qualitative techniques to estimate relationships between variables and to prepare studies for publication.
  • Participate in funded projects that require quantitative and qualitative assessments and to lead teams for this purpose.
  • Collect primary data and/or process secondary data, and combine theory with applied quantitative or qualitative methodologies.

Non EU Applicants:

Total Tuition Fees: Eur 10,800
Yr 1: Eur 5,400 - Yr 2: Eur 5,400 - Yr 3: NIL

You are viewing the fees for non EU nationals. Switch to EU nationals if you are a national of any country from within the EU/EEA.

As a successful graduate, you will be considered as having relevant qualification for positions in

(a) international and regional organisations which have small islands states as one of their constituencies (such as the World Bank, the IMF, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Asian Development Bank, the Caribbean Development Bank, and others)

(b) Ministries of Foreign Affairs in small states and

(c) universities of small states.

In addition, you may also proceed to follow a PhD programme in the same area of study.

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