About us

The Department of Systems and Control Engineering focuses on teaching and research in the modern area of Systems and Control Engineering which encompasses the trans-disciplinary application of systems theory, signal processing, system modelling, automatic control and machine intelligence.

Systems and Control addresses the challenge of designing and developing complex systems or processes that are able to operate automatically and as autonomously as possible, as well as the development of computational techniques for the extraction of useful information from different types of signals. These include applications such as automatic controllers for industrial equipment and robotic systems; automated interpretation of digitised images and video; control of air, space, land and marine vehicles; biomedical devices for prosthetic control by physiological signals; brain-computer interfacing, and much more.

Our Department runs a taught course leading to an M.Sc. in Signals, Systems and Control, on both full-time and part-time modes of study. We deliver several study-units in various degree programmes on system modelling, signal processing, system dynamics, classical and modern control theory, intelligent control, automation and robotics. In addition, we offer supervision to postgraduate students on research based study programmes including M.Sc. (by Research) and Ph.D. studies.

Ou staff members pursue innovative research in signal and image processing, computer vision, biomedical engineering, linear and nonlinear system theory, automatic control, intelligent systems and modelling of complex dynamic systems. Visit our research page for additional information on our activities and collaboration.
