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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 108
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Min ħexa mexa : metafori kunċettwali dwar il-korruzzjoni fil-MaltiGatt, Kurstin
2023The sound and sense of jihad : revisiting the notion of jihad in jihadi-themed Arabic chantsGatt, Kurstin
2025Perceptions of Malta in Arabic proverbs and idiomsGatt, Kurstin
2025Honouring a gentleman, a scholar, a teacher, and a pastor : the legacy of Martin R. ZammitFrendo, Anthony J.; Gatt, Kurstin
2025Arabic in context : essays on language, dialects, and culture in honour of Martin R. ZammitFrendo, Anthony J.; Gatt, Kurstin
2024Prophetic and military activity in the Lachish Letters : a ninety-year rejoinder to Naftali Herz Tur-Sinai (Harry Torczyner)Zammit, Abigail R.
2024Huqoq 2023 : preliminary reportMagness, Jodi; Mizzi, Dennis; Grey, Matthew J.; Burney, Jocelyn; Wells, Martin; Britt, Karen; Boustan, Ra'anan
2022Naḥal ḤeverCzajkowski, Kimberley; Mizzi, Dennis
2019Mareshah (Place)Mizzi, Dennis
2022Murabbaʿat, WadiMizzi, Dennis
2022Naḥal TseʾelimMizzi, Dennis
2018Archaeology of QumranMizzi, Dennis
2023Review of Scribes and scrolls at Qumran, by Sidnie White CrawfordMizzi, Dennis
2007Review of Qumran, the site of the Dead Sea Scrolls : archaeological interpretations and debates ; proceedings of a conference held at Brown University, November 17-19, 2002, edited by Katharina Galor, Jean-Baptiste Humbert, and Jürgen ZangenbergMizzi, Dennis
2014Review of Qumran und die archäologie : texte und contexte, edited by Jörg Frey, Carsten Claußen, and Nadine KesslerMizzi, Dennis
2015Review of Qumran revisited : a reassessment of the archaeology of the site and its texts, by David Stacey and Gregory Doudna, with a contribution by Gideon AvniMizzi, Dennis
2017Review of Khirbet Qumrân et Aïn Feshkha : Fouilles du P. Roland de Vaux: IIIA : l’archéologie de Qumrân, by Jean-Baptiste Humbert, Alain Chambon, and Jolanta MłynarczykMizzi, Dennis
2024Review of The origins of Judaism : an archaeological historical reappraisal, by Yonatan AdlerMizzi, Dennis
2022Review of Masada : from Jewish revolt to modern myth, by Jodi MagnessMizzi, Dennis
2020Review of Is there a text in this cave? Studies in the textuality of the Dead Sea Scrolls in honour of George J. Brooke, edited by Ariel Feldman, Maria Cioată, and Charlotte HempelMizzi, Dennis
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 108