Department of Media & Communications

About us

About us

The Department of Media and Communications offers courses and helps instigate research in an area that is one of the greatest catalysts of change in modern society.

Studying Media and Communications helps students understand the way that these areas function within society. Students also learn to be practitioners, themselves creating media and learning how to communicate skillfully. The fact that we communicate all the time and that media is ever present in our lives makes it essential that we understand and use both skilfully and creatively. In this sense, our students and the research they and the staff at the Department produce, are indispensable assets to society.

The enormous technological change that is constantly revolutionising our lives is reflected in the media that infuses those same lives. Studying Media and Communications gives students an analytical understanding of the different elements that make up this exciting area of study.

Journalism, scriptwriting, film and video, internet communications, marketing communications, gaming, graphic design are explored, alongside the skills needed to research and analyse this staple base of the world we live in. Practical skills in video production, design and other areas of media are also taught in order to help facilitate student transition to the world of work.