Prof. Alessio Magro
B.Sc. IT (Hons)(Melit.),Ph.D.(Melit).
Associate Professor
Room 230
Maths & Physics Building
University of Malta
+356 2340 6533
- Radio Astronomy
- Space Surveillance and Tracking
- Signal and Image Processing
- High Performance and GPU Computing
- CPS1014 - Operating Systems
- CPS2003 - Systems Programming
- CPS3236 - Concurrency, HPC and Distributed Computing
- PHY1133 - Python for Physicists
- PHY2230 - Experimental Physics
- PHY2235 - Experimental Physics
- PHY3208 - Short Review Paper and Philosophy of Science
- PHY3287 - Computational Astronomy
- SSA5040 - Project Seminar
- SSA5075 - Computational Methods for Astronomy