CACHIA, J.C. and DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2020. Evaluating the discourse used by the President of the European Commission during the Covid-19 pandemic.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2020. ‘Burying the Cold War in the Mediterranean Sea’: The 1989 Bush – Gorbachev Malta ‘Non-Summit’ Summit. Melita Historica, 17(4), pp. 61-83.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2020. The ‘Mighty Pen’ as a Political Tool: Some insights from the writings of Dom Mintoff. Department of Public Policy, University of Malta, pp. 75-100.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2020. Augustine and the Tranquillitas Ordinis: Some Reflections of Politics and Liberal Democracy from De Civitate Dei Book XIX. Maltese Augustinian Province, pp. 203-223.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2020. Ir-Reliġjon u d-Dinja ta’ wara l-Gwerra l-Kbira: Il-Kuntest Politiko-Reliġjuż tas-sehem tal-Knisja fis-‘Sette Giugno’. Knisja 2000, 32(-), pp. 5-27.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., FARRUGIA, J. and SCERRI, H., 2020. ‘non laborat qui amat’ – A Festschrift in honour of Professor Salvino Caruana O.S.A. on his 70th birthday.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2019. 1919 and the post-War British Empire: the International Context to the Sette Giugno. Midsea Books, pp. 17-33.
DEBATTISTA, A.P. and CACHIA, J.C., 2019. Domestic Politics, Regional Repercussions: Can the Domestic Politics of Small Island States Lead to International In/Stability? A Case Study of Malta.
CACHIA, J.C. and DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2018. The Malaise of Malta: Social Divisions, Weak Institutions, and Political Partisanship.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2018. Mabel Strickland: Il-Battalji Politiċi, It-Twemmin Politiku u l-Kuntest Tagħhom. Horizons, pp. 45-98.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2017. Book Review: Mark Harwood, Malta in the European Union. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2017. ‘Centred in self yet not unpleased to please’ - The Arts of Political Leadership in Post-Colonial Malta (1964 – 1979). Department of Public Policy, University of Malta, pp. 25-51.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2017. ‘Playing one side against the other’ - Malta’s Foreign Relations in the age of Détente (1969 – 1979). Melita Historica, 17(1), pp. 57-86.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2017. Book Review: John J Robinson, The Maldives: Islamic Republic, Tropical Autocracy. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2017. Riformatur, Demokristjan u Ewropejista: Il-Ħajja Politika ta’ Eddie Fenech Adami. Horizons, pp. 161-192.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2016. A small-island state within a changing security climate: the case of Malta.
DEBATTISTA, A.P. and OPPONG, N., 2013. Public Administration in the Smallest Island States: Governance and Development. A Bibliography.
DEBATTISTA, A.P., 2012. Dom Mintoff and Eddie Fenech Adami: Portraits of Persuasion and Charisma. Department of Public Policy, University of Malta, pp. 31-50.