Angie has been appointed Senior Manager at the Research Support Services Directorate in April 2017, with the role of leading the team of Research Project Managers who provide support to the diverse Faculties of the University. She originally joined the University in April 2011, first as an Accountant followed by a promotion to Senior Manager (pre-award phase) at the Project Support office. Her role was to provide financial assistance and support in Budgeting for project proposals as well as being responsible for performing financial reviews on Proposals and Agreements. During the past 4 years her role expanded in promoting funding opportunities, providing training on writing winning proposals, as well as support and advice to Resident Academics on matching funding opportunities with research, building consortia and developing funding proposals under various programmes, including FP7, Horizon 2020, Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus+ as well as the FUSION R&I programme. During this period the University increased its external research funding from € 1 m to € 4 m per year. She has been trained by leading EU funding expert Nikolaos Floratos and Dr. Werner E. Klotzbücher, former scientist and Group Leader at Max-Planck-Institute. Angie is a former EU official at the Budget Service of the Committee of the Regions in Brussels where she was involved in compiling the annual Budget of the Committee as well as monitoring its implementation. She also provided training to new financial actors joining the service. Being originally trained as an accountant and auditor, Angie is also a Certified Public Accountant with her work experience extending into diverse fields including the manufacturing, financial and hospitality industries. She has graduated from a Masters in Knowledge Based Entrepreneurship at the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation in November 2014. Angie is passionate about scuba diving, marine biology, travel, philosophy and energy healing techniques.