Layfield, C., Ivanovic, D. & Azzopardi, J. 2018, "Multi-Lingual LSA with Serbian and Croatian:Â An Investigative Case Study" in Semantic Keyword-Based Search on Structured Data Sources. KEYSTONE 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, eds. J. Szymanski & Y. Velegrakis, LNCS 10546 edn, Springer, , pp. 155-164.
Layfield, C. 2017, "Twitter Usage Outside of the Classroom", Proceedings of 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2017), pp. 5744-5753.
Layfield, C., Azzopardi, J. & Staff, C. 2017, "Experiments with Document Retrieval from Small Text Collections Using Latent Semantic Analysis or Term Similarity with Query Coordination and Automatic Relevance Feedback" in Semantic Keyword-Based Search on Structured Data Sources. KEYSTONE 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, eds. A. Cali, D. Gorgan & M. Ugarte, LNCS 10151 edn, Springer, , pp. 25-36.
Vassallo, K., Camilleri, V., Layfield, C. & Montebello, M. 2017, "A Framework for Measuring VR-Based Instruction Effectiveness", Proceedings of 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2017), pp. 2069.
Azzopardi, J., Staff, C. & Layfield, C. 2016, "Extended No-K-Means for Search Results Clustering", Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Web Algorithms (iSWAG).
Steer, K., Garg, L., Layfield, C. & Borg, J. 2016, "Assessment in e-Learning for Higher Education", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers and Managment (ICCM-2016), pp. 1.
Vassallo, K., Garg, L. & Layfield, C. 2016, "Mobile Language Learning: Providing tools that allow the asynchronous, casual and sometimes  gamified learning of languages on mobile devices",
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers and Managment (ICCM-2016).
Dingli, A., Garg, L., Layfield, C. & Montebello, M. 2015, Tablets Report, Government of Malta Education Division.
Staff, C., Azzopardi, J. & Layfield, C. 2015, "Search Results Clustering without External Resources", Proceedings of 12th International Workshop on Text-based Information Retrieval.
Layfield, C. 2014, "Opportunities in eGovernment utilizing Cloud Computing : An EU Perspective", International Journal on Information Technologies \& Security, , no. 2, pp. 3-25.
Layfield, C. 2012, "With LSA Size DOES Matter", 2012 UKSim-AMSS 6th European Modelling SymposiumValletta, Malta, pp. 121.
Layfield, C. 2002, A Constraint Programming Pre-Processor for Duty Scheduling, University of Leeds.
Smith, B., Layfield, C. & Wren, A. 2001, "A Constraint Programming Pre-Processor for a Bus Driver Scheduling System" in DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science: Constraint Programming and Large Scale Discrete Optimization., eds. E. Freuder & R. Wallace, 57th edn, pp. 131-148.
Layfield, C., Smith, B. & Wren, A. 1999, "Bus Relief Opportunity Selection using Constraint Programming", Proceedings of the First International Conference on The Practical Application of Constraint Technologies and Logic ProgrammingThe Practical Application Company Ltd, , pp. 537.
Layfield, C. 1998, Investigations into the Master Timetabling Problem, University of Calgary.
Colijn, A., Krivy, G. & Layfield, C. 1995, "An Interactive Approach to Examination Timetabling", College \& University, vol. LXX, no. 2, pp. 82-90.
Colijn, A. & Layfield, C. 1995, "Conflict Reduction in Examination Schedules", Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, pp. 297.
Colijn, A. & Layfield, C. 1995, "Interactive Improvement of Examination Schedules", Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, pp. 112.