In 1987 Francis Zarb obtained a Diploma in Radiography and gained clinical experience within Radiography at St Luke's Hospital. In 1992 he read for a Bachelor's Degree (Hons) Radiography at the University of Malta. In 1998 he read for a Master's Degree in Medical Imaging (MRI) with Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge, UK. In 2013 successfully defended his Doctoral Thesis at University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland researching: 'Optimisation of CT scanning parameters and their effect on patient dose'.
In 1996 Mr Zarb commenced lecturing activity at the then Institute of Health Care at the University of Malta within the Division of Radiography Studies. Mr Zarb holds a full time post as senior lecturer at the University of Malta. He is currently responsible for clinical placements of radiography students and lectures various Radiography related topics including: Imaging of the head and spine; Imaging in trauma; ward pediatric and elderly imaging, clinical applications of CT and MRI and research in Radiography.